On Tuesday, April 18, 2023, in the presence of the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Vice Rectors, and the Dean of Erbil Medical Technical Institute held a workshop entitled “Vision Protection during Sports and Women’s Eye Health”.
After the welcoming speech by Prof. Asst. Mr.Umid Arshad Hawezi, His Excellency the University Rector welcomed the audience and said: “Before talking about the eye and the importance of the eye, I want to say that the main duty of the university is to provide science and knowledge and conduct scientific research. Fortunately, we at the Erbil Polytechnic University have served the society in various fields this year in several issues, for example, on the issue of liquefied gas explosion that created a big controversy in Kurdistan, our university organized a symposium and recommendations to the relevant parties.
Also, on the issue of floods that caused many problems for Kurdistan in general and Erbil in particular last year, the Erbil Technical Engineering College in coordination with the Youth NAP Chapter organized a symposium on how to solve flood problems for the relevant parties.
Within the framework of community service programs, we organized an international panel on the issue of the earthquake that recently caused a major humanitarian disaster in Turkey. All the issues we have mentioned are related to the assistance of the community by our university through scientific and objective, the latest information and solutions have been given to the relevant parties to solve the problems and our community will benefit more. In addition to lessons, we have opened training courses with the Ministry of Reconstruction for engineers and their employees.
Fortunately, we are gathered here today to discuss an important and sacred topic, which is the protection of eyesight, which is one of the most important human organs because 80% of general learning is through sight. There are many organizations in the world dedicated to eye protection. One of the most famous organizations in the world is the American Academy of Pediatrics, which has 32,000 members of ophthalmology, which is more than 90% of ophthalmologists.
This organization has dedicated the month of April to how to revive the issue of eye protection during sports and women’s eye protection. The Department of Eye Examination at the Erbil Medical Technical Institute is pleased to arrange this activity on this occasion.
For your information, this department is the only department in the Kurdistan Region that is dedicated to eyes. Fortunately, every hospital and clinic you visit has at least one graduate of this department, which is a great achievement for our university. Therefore, I would like to congratulate this department and wish them further success.
Finally, I hope that our eyes are protected and welcome everyone again and thank you.”
Then the workshop topics were presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Murad Amir Ahmed, Doctor of Eye Examination and Dr. Sami Jalal Abdul Samad, Doctor of Eye Surgery explained how to maintain eye health and the causes of vision loss, cataracts and injections in children and their developments They responded to the directive.