Posts classified under: English

The Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute Receives the Vice President of Mediterranean Universities Union

The Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute Receives the Vice President of Mediterranean Universities Union

On Tuesday 26/09/2023, Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif, Dean of Mergasur Technical Institute along with Dr. Najib Thoma , the Vice Rector of EPU for Scientific Affairs received Prof. Dr .Carol Cerite, the Vice President of UNIMED at the Presidency of Erbil Polytechnic University.
In the meeting, they discussed the cooperation and joint academic collaboration between the University of Spienza in Rome and the Polytechnic University of Erbil, as the first step, working to connect two similar departments between the two universities. They put emphasis on the medical departments in both universities.

During the meeting, both sides agreed to prepare a proposal on the Erasmus KA1 program for the exchange of students and academic staff supported by the European Commission Union.

Erbil Polytechnic University offers students the opportunity to participate in an international conference in the UAE

Erbil Polytechnic University gives the opportunity of participating to the students of Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) to participate in the annual conference (Association of Deanship of Sstudents Affairs Administrations) which will be held from the 18th to 21st of February, 2024 at Al-Ain University.

Terms and needs:

1- The conference will last for (5) days from 18/02 to 22/02/2024

2- Students (all grades + graduates) can now participate with a research in the following specialties:

       a- Attractive Educational Environment (includes all specialties)

      b- Artificial Intelligence (Specialties include ISE, ICT).

      c- Digital Media and its role in support and Initiative (Media Specialist)

      d- Social media and its impact on university students, advantages and disadvantages (media expert)

     e- Sustainable Development (Engineering Specialty)

     f- Support and Preservation of National Heritage (Tourism Specialist)

     g- The impact of volunteer work in the student’s life (includes all specialties)

     h- Opportunities and challenges in universities and after graduation (includes all specialties)

3- The conditions for writing the research must be as follows:

  1- In Arabic or English Language.

      2- Be on one of the above specialties.

      3- According to the requirements of writing the research, and not published anywhere else.

      4- Write in font (14) and language (Times New Roman).

      5- Margins (2.5) bits.

4- After the approval of your department heads, the presentation will be directly at the conference link:

Click here to submit your research.

5- After the approval of the research by the university, the student can participate in the conference.


1. Providing visa and airline tickets are on the student.

2- Accommodation and daily expenses will be provided by the host university, i.e. Al-Ain University.

In collaboration with a German university, Erbil Polytechnic University will establish a laboratory for renewable energy in Erbil

In a unique step, Erbil Polytechnic University in collaboration with THM University of Germany will establish a laboratory for the renewable energy in Erbil.

This step of the two universities occurred during the official visit of the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, his accompanying delegation, and the academic staff of the Erbil Polytechnic University to Germany and with the President of THM University of Germany.

In the meeting, both sides discussed the joint project between them that began at the beginning of 2022 and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

In the framework of collaboration between the Erbil Polytechnic University and University of Applied Sciences (THM) Germany and after receiving the fund and implementation of a joint project entitled (Academic Education in the field of Renewable Energies).  The project is implemented by an expert professor at THM University and funded by the German DAAD.

They also talked about other steps of relations between the two universities, especially strengthening these relations in terms of exchange of teachers and staff and benefit from each other’s experience and expertise in various fields.

The Rector and THM University staff expressed their pleasure to work together with the Erbil Polytechnic University to successfully complete this important project within two years.

They also discussed the future work between the two universities, especially within the framework of the exchange program of higher education students to obtain master’s and doctoral degrees, in addition to the exchange of university students who visit countries before graduation.

The aim of the establishment of the renewable energy laboratory project in our university by the German university was to take steps to build a department of the renewable energy in the Erbil Technology College of the Erbil Polytechnic University, which will be admitted this year.

It is worth mentioning that this project began in 2022 and all the equipment for this laboratory is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year

Erbil Polytechnic University and the World Food Program (WFP) have Completed a Development Course for Refugees, Displaced People, and University Alumni Youth

On Monday, the 25th of September, 2023, in a ceremony at the Erbil Technology College, in collaboration with the World Food Program (WFP), Erbil Polytechnic University fulfilled a training course for the refugee, displaced people and graduates’ youth of our university that have been trained for 10 months within the Jousour Project.

In the ceremony, Dr. Abdulfatah Abdulrazaq, the Minister Deputy of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Sabah, the Consultant of the Ministry of the Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Erbil Governor Umed Khoshnaw, the General Consul of the Germany Consulate Ms. Emily Hardo, Ms. Dashne Azad, the Director of CDC Centers in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific , Mr. Ali Reza the General Director of WFP in Iraq, the Representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Head of Ainda Region, the of the Chamber of Commerce Representative, the Representative of the Barzani Charity Foundation, the members of our university council were present.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Mr. Kovan Omer, the Director of the of the Career Development Center (CDC) of our university welcomed the guests and expressed his appreciation towards his coworkers and facilitators of the success of this work and considered it as an important step towards finding and creating job opportunities for the university alumni.   

Then the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nageb Toma Bato welcomed the officials and guests and said:

“During the past 10 months, our university has fortunately successfully implemented the project (Jousour) initiated by the World Food Program and funded by the German Ministry of Cooperation.

The project was conducted for a group of youth in the refugee camps and some graduates of our university. The main objective of the project was to develop the skills of youth from low-income families in language, computer, job leadership, life skills, and financial inclusion This project is an example of creating a workforce for the future that can connect digital skills to the global digital market through the support of the career development centers.

To familiarize the labor market to the students who have completed the training course, a job fair was prepared for them today in the grounds of the Erbil Technology College with the participation of more than 25 private sector companies.”

Then, Dr. Abdulfatah Abdulrazaq, the Ministry Deputy of the Higher Education and Scientific Research delivered a speech after congratulating the graduates, hoped that the participants have benefited from the training and courses and acquired the skills to be employed in the labor market. He thanked our university, the World Food Program (WFP), and the German Consulate in Erbil for supporting the Career Development Centers and implementing the project.

Then Ali Reza, the General Director of WFP in Iraq and Emily Hardo, Consul General of the German Consulate in Erbil delivered speeches and expressed their readiness to support similar projects They are in it now. They congratulated the participants and were happy with the enthusiasm of studying in the classrooms and said that they have not reached today easily and have made great efforts to reach the current stage.

After the presentation ceremony, with the participation of more than 25 companies and institutions, a job fair was opened for job opportunities for young people participated in Jousour project and graduates of the Erbil Polytechnic University

150 people participated in the Jousour project to support and develop the skills of university graduates and refugee youth in the Kurdistan Region. The project was implemented jointly between the Erbil Polytechnic University and the World Food Program (WFP) with the financial support of the German government. The participants participated in the project courses theoretically and practically in the fields of English language, computers and the work methods for eight months.