Posts classified under: English

Erbil Polytechnic University provides 50 microscope devices for medical departments of colleges and institutes

On Wednesday, the 15th of November, 2023, in a ceremony, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, donated 50 new Italian microscopes to the medical departments of our university.

In a ceremony where all the Council members of the Erbil Polytechnic University were present, Asst. Prof. Nageb Toma Bato, the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, delivered a speech and spoke about the need for the students and teachers of our university. He said: “The idea of providing the microscopes is resulted from an attempt of the University Rector’s effort. When he got the positions of the Rector, he visited all the technical colleges and institutes and visited the laboratories and halls. When we visited the Soran Technical Institute this idea was born. We saw that all students gathered around a single old microscope. During their visit, we saw the same picture again in the laboratory, and then there was a request from the Technical Institute to provide a microscope.

 Therefore, we decided to implement a project to improve both classrooms and laboratories and to provide equipment, we formed an expert committee of the university teachers to discuss and determine the good quality that meet the needs of students and teachers. The committee in collaboration with the Department of the Imports and Laboratories suggested that several types and models of microscope, we chose a kind of Italian which is of great quality and we provided it.

Erbil Health Technical College, Erbil Medical Technical Institute, Shaqlawa Technical College, Soran Technical College, Koya Technical Institute, Mergasur Technical Institute, Research Center according to their needs. The research center was provided with B_159 and B_190 equipment according to their needs.

It is worth mentioning that all the equipment is provided on the revenue of our university within the framework of the strategy to re-force the university’s revenue for the development and construction of the university’s infrastructure. University has provided 150 computer equipment for all colleges and colleges.

The Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University opened a miniature football stadium on the second campus of the university

On Tuesday, the 14th of November, 2023, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, the Vice Rectors for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, Administrative Affairs, and Student Affairs, Mr. Hazhar Othman, the Head of Aso Region, Ms. Shirin Khalid, the Head of Ainda Region, the Erbil Technical College of Engineering and Administration, and a significant number of teachers and students, in a worthy ceremony, the Directorate of Activities of the Presidency of the University opened a small football stadium in the second campus of Erbil Polytechnic University.

The stadium was built to serve the students and create a suitable environment for them. The cost of construction will be borne by the income of the Erbil Polytechnic University and will be under the supervision of the Activities Directorate of the University Presidency.

It is worth mentioning that the first campus stadium of the Erbil Polytechnic University has been opened several years ago in the Erbil Technical Administrative Institute, the sports stadium is for students and teachers of the institute, while the third stadium is under implementation.

After the opening ceremony, a friendly match was held between the students of both colleges. The first ball was moved between the deans of the Erbil Technical Administrative College and Erbil Technical Engineering College.

A workshop conducted in Mergasor Technical Institute for the first year students of both Nursing and Business Administration departments (Morning/Evening Classes).

A workshop conducted in Mergasor Technical Institute for the first year students of both Nursing and Business Administration departments (Morning/Evening Classes).

On Saturday, November 11, 2023, in the presence of the Dean of the Institute Dr. Talib Omer and Vice Dean Mr Sarbast Nasir, a workshop was condcuted for the first year students of both departments of Nursing and Business of Mergasor Technical Institute.

At the beginning, the Dean of the institute delivered a speech in which he welcomed and congratulated the students on the new academic year and said: Such workshops are very useful for students through which they are given skills of first aid and clarity on how to behave and adapt to the environment.
The workshop consisted of three seminars in the fields of (how to use the model system, skills of first aid and how to behave in academic institutions).
It is worth mentioning that the students gained experience and benefited greatly from the subjects presented, especially in the field of models through which students can see their daily tasks, exam results and grades in a modern way.