On Wednesday 18th of November 2020, a delegation of the Peshmerga Ministry and the Coalition Forces Delegation visited the EPU Presidency. They met with the International Relations Office Director, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah and the Head of the Cultural Relations of the International Relations Office Directorate, Dr. Abdullah Omer Yassen, and the Supervisors of the Project Management.
The Peshmerga Ministry delegation members consisted of Lieutenant Colonel Shakhawan Salam, General Jawhar the Reformation Director Agent, and the Coalition Forces members were Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin (German Forces for the Capacity Strengthening in Iraq), Lieutenant Colonel Yavis, Major Pitter, Colonel Trend from Netherland Consulate. The aim of this meeting was implementing the lecturing of our university in the training courses which will be presented on 6th December 2020, which will continue for two weeks.
The training course will be delivered in the Reform Directorate of the Peshmerga Ministry and funded by the Coalition Forces. The officers of different directorates of the named ministry will attend this training course to present the same lectures in their departments and directorates.