Today in 8th of October, 2019, Erbil Polytechnic University formally announced the opening of Mergasur Technical Institute in a journal conference that will receive students in the next studying year.
This journal conference is hold for Assist. Prof. Dr.Kawa Abdulkarim Sherwani, the Rector of EPU, Assist. Prof. Dr.Muhamad Hussein Ahmed, Director General, Head of Apparatus of Supervision and Quality Assurance in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Ghafur Mullah Swar, the Surrogate of Mergasur district in which they clarified the detail information concerning opening of this institute.

A several number of media institutions have attended this event. His Excellency, Assist. Prof. Dr.Kawa Abdulkarim Sherwani said “the opening of Mergasur Institute is a gift from the new cabinet of Kurdistan Regional Government for the brave hearted people of Mergasur District in order to serve them as they deserve more. People of this district were the symbol of resistance and sacrifice. The Rector of EPU also said “A building is temporally dedicated to this institute by the Surrogate of Mergasur until a special building will be established for it in the future.
The Rector of the university has also mentioned that the institute will include three departments which are: (Business Management, Technical English Translation and Veterinary). So this year, we prepared all the procedures and plans for opening this institute which means in the next studying year (2020-2021) the institute will receive students and the priority will be given to the people of this district in order to be able to study.”
Then, Ghafur Mullah Swar, the Surrogate of Mergasur district delivered a speech and said “We Thank the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Presidency of EPU for making this great decision and opening this institute in our district. Then he assured that the administration unit of Mergasur will collaborate and cooperate in serving this institute so as to be opened in the next year to be able to receive students in the next studying year.”
The district of Mergasur is located in the northern west of Erbil city, which consists of 5 sub districts and the number of its inhabitants is about 70 thousand. Mergasur Technical Institute is the 9th technical institute of EPU, inside the border of Erbil that will have a great benefit for developing this border.”