Today 1th of September, 2019, in the presence of Dr. Aram Muhamad, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Kurdistan Regional Government the 23th Round of Graduation Celebration of Erbil Polytechnic University is held under the name of “Towards a Strong Kurdistan” in the yard of Erbil Technical Administration Institute in Erbil city.
In this 23th Round of Graduation Celebration, 3 thousand and 300 hundred students received the certification of bachelor and diploma, whom are meant to become the current personnel of Labor Market in Kurdistan Regional Government.
In the beginning of the celebration, Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani the Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University delivered a statement. In his statement, his Excellency said: “Good day to all respectful EPU alumni, good day to the respectful families and relatives of the alumni, good day to the instructors and staff of EPU, who are the key of persistence and symbol of privilege, their struggle planted the will of success inside the soul of this group of students who will receive their graduation certification today”
His Excellency also said: “We named this Round of the EPU Graduation Celebration ‘Towards a strong Kurdistan’ because it is paralleled to the symbol of KRG.
In his speech, EPU Rector assured that the key of a successful Labor market is to prepare qualified professional cadres to fulfill the gaps in Kurdistan Labor market in order to develop country economy. EPU has made this issue its priority and targeted plan. As we included this issue into our plans for the new Cabinet of Kurdistan and emphasised on performing the best.
His Majesty visualised the vital role of the instructors, faculty members and students of the university to the attendees of the event. He said: ”They consistently strived and struggled to face all the difficulties that KRG went through during the last few years. So, pride is all mine to warmly congratulate them”.
Assistant Professor Dr. Kawa Sherwani said: “We now work on the implementation of Bologna Process and ECTS System to conduct a special conference about the projects and researches of the students, which are a part of our strategic plan to give importance to these new departments and try to open them in our university”.
His Excellency reassured the alumni that EPU in collaboration with Ministry of Plan, Ministry of Labor, Chamber of Commerce and private sectors in Kurdistan Regional Government will work together on how to achieve job opportunities for them. Recently, some specializations and new jobs exist which could not be seen in the past. Due to these developments, EPU attempts to enhance and develop the specializations of Health, Petroleum, Minerals, Tourism, Information System and languages and some other technical fields so as to help EPU alumni to find the best job opportunities in the nearest future.
Finally, the Rector of EPU offered his last advice to the alumni and Said: “Dear EPU Alumni, learning Process will never come to end, but will constantly develop paralleled with life continuation. So, your learning process must not stop but you ought to learn continuously for example, the ones who know English language are able to be more skilful in computer programs and are capable of finding jobs easier. That is why, after your graduation, never give up in learning process”.