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A Seminar held in Mergasur Technical Institute

A Seminar held in Mergasur Technical Institute

Under the quality assurance and staff professional development unit, Today on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, in the presence of Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omer, the Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute/ Erbil Polytechnic University, a seminar was presented by Assist. Prof. Dr Hiwa Abdulaziz Balisani entities”Leadership skills Development” for a number of universities lectures, heads of departments and staff of the Institute.

At the beginning of the seminar, the Dean of Mergasor Institute, welcomed the participants, and thanked Dr Hiwa Abdulaziz Balisani for the time he has given us as he has come far a long way to serve the academic staff.
Then Dr Balisani delivered his fruitful seminar, and then highlighted on the the five levels leadership.
At the end of the seminar, the Dean of the college provided an appreciation letter to Dr Balisani for his wonderful presentation.

Training strategy and its role in developing leadership competencies

  • Dlawar Hassan Hamdamin

  • [email protected]
  • 0750 464 6377
  • استراتيجية التدريب و دورها في تطوير الكفاءات القيادية - دلاور حسن حمدامين
  • Abstract

    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the relation and impact of the training strategy represented by its dimensions (training process steps, the diversity of training programs, the support and commitment of the senior management to the training strategy, the use of modern technology) with the dimensions of developing leadership competencies represented by (knowledge, skills, behavior).

    Methodology: The problem of the study, which raised several questions about the nature of the correlation and influence between the independent variable (training strategy) and the dependent variable (development of leadership competencies). The hypotheses were subjected to multiple tests, and the study used a questionnaire as a means of obtaining data.

    Method: The study followed the analytical descriptive analyses, as main and sub-variables were described, as well as to analyze the relationships and influence between the describe the population of the study that are (218) scientific head departments of (5) governor universities in Erbil, the study sample represented (140) head departments, those participate and responded questioner reached (136) heads of departments. and statistical tests by computer program (SPSS V.26).

    Finding: The results of the statistical analysis indicate that the heads of scientific departments in the public universities in the Erbil governorate are well interested in the training strategy, plans and various long-term programs for the development of competencies and personal skills. The results also show that there is a strong direct relationship between the two variables and the development of leadership competencies that is directly affected by any change that Led in the independent variable training strategy in the universities surveyed

    Recommendations: This study recommended assigning and encouraging mature experience age groups and young people, to exchange experiences and knowledge among themselves in order to develop leadership competencies. And reconsider assigning females to administrative tasks, due to the strong demand by females to assume administrative positions on the one hand, and the appropriateness of these jobs in the educational sector to the characteristics of females in terms of their ability to deal with and solve problems and their patience, perseverance, and seriousness in work.

    Keywords: training strategy, competency development, public universities in Erbil Governorate

  • Shaqlawa Technical College

  • Business Administration

  • Business Administration

Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participates in a panel Discussion

Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participates in a panel Discussion

On Wednesday 2-8-2023 in Erbil, in a panel discussion, Dr Talib Omer, Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participated in a panel discussion entitled “ The development of women’s economic development by creating job opportunities in the “private sector.

The Private Sector Development and Employment Promotion (#PSD) project implemented by GIZ in collaboration with Projects Strengthening Women’s Participation in the Reform and Peace Process in Iraq (#SPW) was a dialogue activity on “Economic Empowerment of Women” organized as part of its series #Meeting.

High-level participants from the KRG, representatives of the German Embassy, the Head of Economic Affairs and Development at the German Embassy in Baghdad and a number of academics and the private sector stakeholders participated in an open discussion on “ Women’s Economic Empowerment “.

Dr Omer highlighted that capacity building and more educational support can be provided especially for those who live in rural areas. Independent economy can provide comfort zone for women.

He further addressed that the private sector can play its role in saving and securing more jobs for eligible women across the region . To make it this happen, laws and regulations must be amended to create a safe and secure environment for engaging women in private sector.

Erbil Polytechnic University, German organization (GIZ), and Westga (Station) Institution arrange a meeting for women

On Wednesday, the 2nd of August 2, 2023, Erbil Polytechnic University, German organization (GIZ) and Westga (Station) Institution for Administration and Education of Iraqi and Kurdistan Youth organized a meeting entitled (Strengthening the Economic Position of Women in the Private Sector) in the Presidency of the Erbil Polytechnic University.

In the meeting where the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, the Deans of the Erbil Technical Engineering College, the Erbil Technical Administrative Institute, the Mergasor Institute, the representative of the German Embassy in Baghdad, the General Secretary of the Higher Council of Women and several directors of our university were present several speeches were delivered.

At the beginning, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nageb Toma Bato presented the Rector’s statement in which he welcomed the participants and expressed the university’s pleasure to join and host the meeting, and pointed out that women the Kurdish society and in the political and social history of Kurdistan had a special role Motherhood and child rearing also directly and indirectly supported the Peshmerga struggle and the revolutions.

“Along with the government’s plan and strategy to protect the position of women in society in general and in the country institutions in particular, our university has paid attention to this field and in this context, some of the positions of our university are held by women and we have given them all kinds of support for their success and we will continue with the same view in the future.”

“With the progress of society and providing job opportunities for women, our university is working with a comprehensive plan to provide job opportunities for our graduates. So far, in collaboration with private sector companies, some of our graduates have been provided with job opportunities.”

After the speeches of the representative of the German Embassy in Baghdad and the Secretary of the Higher Council of Women, the panel discussed the role of women in economic development and their participation in all spheres of life and how to empower women to work and become independent in the public and private sectors and change some laws and regulations in the interests of women.

Then, the door of discussion was opened for the participants to express their questions, comments and suggestions and they had an intensive and productive discussion and the meeting ended.