Posts classified under: English

EPU organised a seminar for Dr. Ismail Beshkchi

On Thursday April 18th 2019, Erbil polytechnic university organised a seminar for the famous Turkish sociologist, philosopher, revolutionary, and writer Dr. Ismail Beshkchi.

Dr. Beshkchi presented a seminar entitled ” nationalistic discourse in Education and higher educations”.

The seminar took place at Erbil polytechnic presidency conference hall and it was participated by Assistant Pro. Dr. Kawa Sherwani the president of the University, a number of writers, academic staff, government and political officials.

Dr. Beshkchi focused on nationalistic sense and how it should be separated from everything including science and technology since they keep us away from our goals.
He also spoke about the difference of nationalistic between now and before.

The end of the seminar the president of the University awarded Dr. Beshkchi the arm of the University.

EPU conducted a workshop on Stata program

On 15 and 16th April 2019, Erbil polytechnic university conducted a two days workshop on using Stata program for the academic staff.

The workshop was held in EPU research center and it was presented by Mr. Kocher Ali, who is an academic member at Koye technical institute.

Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables users to analyze, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by researchers in the fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to examine data patterns.

EPU conducted the second annual cultural festival at Soran technical institute

On Monday 15/4/2019, under the supervision of Dr. Kawa Sherwani, the University’s president. Soran technical institute conducted its second annual cultural festival entitled ” developed society has got a strong cultural and scientific infrastructure”.

The festival was participated by a number of academics, government and political officials.

The event included scientific, musical, cultural and food activities.