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EPU participated in another series of TVET workshops

On Sunday 21/7/2019, a delegation from Erbil polytechnic university, consisted of Dr. Aras khoshnaw, the head of administrative sector reform committee, Mr. Omed Hawezi the head of Health Sector Reform Committee and Dr. Botan Majeed the head the Reform Committee of Engineering Sector, participated  in the third (TVET) workshop.

The workshop lasted for three days in Duhok, hosted by Duhok Polytechnic University. The event aimed to discuss the steps of reforming technical and vocational education at the technical colleges and institutions in Kurdistan regional, especially implementing Bologna process and ECTS.

It is worth  to be mentioned that, EPU will implement a part of these reforms in 2019-2020 academic year.

A delegation from EPU participates in a workshop in Czech republic

On Monday June 24 2019, a delegation headed by Dr. Najeeb Toma the University president’s assistant for scientific affairs, accompanied by Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah the head of the international office participated in a workshop entitled ”The Development of Internationalization Strategies, at Kurdistan Universities”.

The workshop comes within TIGRIS Project in Europe. Its main goals are to develop the Internationalization Strategies, and the administration system at Kurdistan Universities.

A Delegation of Erbil Polytechnic University Held A Workshop about Implementing Bologna Process And ECTS System

Erbil Polytechnic University has started reforming and implementing the Bologna process and ECTS system in its colleges and institutes.

After a hard-working on constructing the framework of the steps of the ECTS implementation, today, 24th of June, 2019, a delegation of EPU headed by Dr. Botan Majeed Asngar, the Dean of Erbil Technology Institute, in cooperation with Dr. Hoshyar Amin, the General Director of Scientific Affairs department at EPU, Dr. Dlawar Jalal Gharib the Assistant of the Dean of Erbil Technical Administration Institute, and Mr.Kovan Omar, Lecturer & Director of Curriculum Development visited EPU colleges and institutes. They introduced and clarified the ECTS system to the academic staff of EPU that will get implemented in the academic year (2019-2020) at EPU.

As it is decided upon, the workshop will continue during the next upcoming days in all the colleges and institutes of the university, which will be supervised by Dr. Twana Afan Othman, Dr.Bahman, and Mr.Saad Chawshli.