Posts classified under: English

Erbil Polytechnic University Holds a Webinar about “Protection against Corona Covid 19 for the Students and Lecturers during Studying inside Classes”

On Tuesday 6th of October, 2020, Erbil Polytechnic University launches a new webinar about the pandemic Corona-Covid 19. The second webinar will begin with Dr. Dashti Bistani, Specialist in Cardiology and Rheumatology, the President of the Corona Resistance Committee in Erbil, and Iraq’s Scientific Committee Member. This webinar is under the title “Protection against Corona Covid 19 for the Students and Lecturers during Studying inside Classes” that will start on the 6th of October, 2020, at 9:00 PM.

To participate in this event, kindly visit this link.

Note: 6 hours before the event, the webinar participation link will be sent to you via email.

The Rector Of The Erbil Polytechnic University Awards Honorary Certificates To The Participants Of The Electronic Study Course

On Tuesday, 22th of September 2020, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University Assist Prof. Dr. Kawa AbdulKareem Sherwani, rewarded the certificate of Honorary to the attendees of the Electronic Education Course. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, in collaboration with the American Organization (IREX), managed this course.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the university Rector delivered a speech in which he expressed his sincerity and gratitude towards the participants and wished them success. He also talked about the importance of the course and said: “we should cope with the current situation, and the education process should not slow down.

The course presented under the title of “The Program of Artistic Training and Preparing the Academic Staff for Electronic Education” Ten  Admin staff from different departments of the  EPU colleges and institutes attended this course, who hold Ph.D., master and bachelors’ degrees in computer and Information Technology (IT). After completing the course, most of the academic staff will benefit from the activities and the training that the admin staff has learned and experienced during the course.

The total number of academic staff who attended the course reached (885) from various Governmental and Private Universities in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq. The course included a detailed Program about electronic education which consisted of three units, each unit contained three lessons in which they studied 2 lessons in a week in two hours duration. Despite these, they held several meetings after the lessons to answer the participants’ questions.

Erbil Polytechnic University Announces The Presentation of a Weekly Webinar

Under the recommendation and the observation of the Rector of the EPU, Dr.Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani, the Directorate of the External activities, will deliver a series of webinars.

The Webinar will include: (Scientific, Economical, Health, Political and Social subjects). Every Tuesday, a chosen specialist in the EPU will present a webinar about a specific subject within 45 minutes dedicated for the webinar and 15 minutes for the attendees’ comments and questions, according to the current situation of the Kurdistan Region and the world.

For your information, 6 hours before the webinar presentation, the EPU will send the link of the webinar to the participants’ email addresses. To register, kindly visit this link:

Towards Blended Learning; Strategies and Roles of Teachers

Erbil Polytechnic University is pleased to invite its academic staff to a webinar on (Towards Blended Learning; Strategies and Roles of Teachers) presented by Dr. Nashwa Ismail. This webinar is timely after the announcement of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq that this years’ academic study will be conducted through blended learning as it is due to the spread of pandemic and lack of ability for university campuses to host students.
This webinar is organized by the International Relations Office and it is part of the EPU’s strategy of internationalization and standarise its curriculum activities.
Presenter’s Biography:
Dr. Nashwa Ismail has MSc and PhD in Education from University of Southampton, UK and she is Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Dr. Ismail has 10-years teaching experience in higher education and further education. In research, Dr.Ismail’s area of expertise is Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL). In this area, she takes part in different research projects in the UK and overseas countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, the Middle East (Egypt, Saudi Arabia), Myanmar and Thailand. Furthermore, she teaches qualitative research methods and its application on Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS) using NVivo and ATLAS.ti. She has a special focus on Games-Based Learning (GBL), Academic Professional Development (APD) and educational leadership. Her current role is a Research Associate in LEARN Cit Sci project – Institute for Educational Technology at Open University. Dr. Ismail’s role is to engage with youth online and evaluate online citizen science learning activities using mainly qualitative approaches (e.g. interviews). Besides, Dr.Ismail has technical background being active Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) and qualified Training Assessor Assessment, and Quality Assurance (TAQA), since 2005. She has delivered a wide range of programs to technical audiences in an industry setting in the Gulf, Middle East and the UK.

This seminar will be presented at 11:00AM on 28th September 2020.
To register, please click on the link:
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