Posts classified under: English

Erbil Polytechnic University Finalized The Two Leagues of the Football

On Sunday 11th of April 2021, at the yard of the Erbil Technical Administration Institute, the Directorate of External Activities of the EPU Presidency finalized the two leagues of football. These leagues were separately opened for the lecturers and the students.

With the presence of the Rectors Assist for Students Affairs Assist Prof. Dr.Yousif Mustafa Rasul, the dean of Erbil Technical Administration institute Dr.Botan Majid Asngar, the dean’s assistant Dr. Brzo Dzayi and some other managers and staff of EPU Presidency, the Directorate of the External Activities completed the two leagues of the football game of both students and lecturers and employees.

The final game of the EPU football league was between the staff of the Erbil Technology College and Koya Technical Institute, in which the Erbil Technology College won by six scores against Koya Technical Institute with one score.

Meanwhile, the students of both Erbil Technical College and Koya Technical Institute played the football game of the final league in which the students of Koya Technical Institute could win and become the champion of the league.

At the end of the league, the Assistant of the EPU Rector for Students affairs, the dean of Erbil Technology Institute, and the EPU Directorates rewarded the champions of the final football leagues.

In A Ceremony The Rector Of The Erbil Polytechnic University Blessed The Easter Festival Of The Christian Staff Of The University

On Wednesday, 7th of April, 20121, in the Conference Hall of the EPU presidency, the Christian Easter festival and cultural holiday were celebrated. In this celebration, the rector of the EPU Assist Prof. Dr.Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani, the Rector’s assistant, and a huge number of EPU staff were present to bless this holy day.

At the beginning of the celebration, the Rector of the EPU delivered his statement regarding this blessing day. He congratulated the Christian people in general and the university employees in particular.

At the end of the ceremony, the Christian staff offered sweets and other things according to their habits to bless this event.

Erbil Polytechnic University Will Deliver An Online Seminar Specialized For Researchers And The Higher Education Students

The International Office of the Erbil Polytechnic University will present an online seminar for the assistant researcher, Moaid Othman, at Belfield University for Practical Science in Germany on 11th of April, 2021, 8:00 PM.

The Seminar is under the title of “Simulation and Optimization) which will be performed in English and Kurdish languages through Zoom Platform.

The Rector Of The EPU Offered Eleven English Lecturers The Certificate Of Participation In The TESOL Training Course

On the 7th of April, 2021, in the Conference Hall of the Erbil Polytechnic University’s Presidency (EPU), the University Rector Assist. Prof. Dr.Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani awarded eleven English instructors the certificate of attendance in the TESOL Training Course.

The TESOL Training Course was performed from 25th of January till 4th of February 2021, was supervised by the College of Imperial English UK. The Course took eight days, 25th of January until the 4th of February. The Lecturers received homework on the 1st of April to deliver to be evaluated. After the evaluation, all the English lecturers completed the training course, then rewarded for their performance.

The College of Imperial English UK in Birmingham/UK Country ran this programme through an online Zoom platform by two instructors Rafael Salguero and Dani Mundy, specialists in TESOL for foreigners that the English Language is not their first language.

This Training course consisted of eight sessions which were: Class Management, Lesson planning, How to teach Grammar, Word, Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading, Knowledge about the difference in the way of speaking in the countries that speak in the English language, The Difference between General English and Academic English in Writing, The Sources of Learning, The way of Teaching language for the classes that contain many students.

The aim behind TESOL Training Course was to get more familiar with teaching the English Language for the ones that the English language is not their native language and to get information about culture, knowledge exchange, feedback, and the way they follow and use it for teaching Students and learners to get acquainted with Kurdistan culture.

It is worth to be mentioned that the training course is within the agreement signed between the EPU and Imperial English UK College.