Posts classified under: English

Erbil Polytechnic University Manages An Online Workshop Regarding Patriotic Ranking Of The Universities

On Monday 19th of April, 2021, at 11:00 AM, Erbil Polytechnic University presented an online workshop about “The Guidelines of the Patriotic Ranking of the Universities and the Process of Quality Control of the EPU” for the academic staff of the Erbil Technical Administration College and the Erbil Technology College.

The General Manager of the Scientific Research Center of the EPU, Assist Prof. Dr. Hemn Kakakhan Awlla and the Directorate of the Quality Control of the EPU, Mr. Kamal Muhammad Abdullah, supervised the workshop in which they accurately clarified the guidelines of the Patriotic Ranking of the Universities which is recommended by the Ministry of the Higher Education and the Scientific Research for 2020 and 2021.

The Rector of the EPU Visits The Residence House Of The Female Students Of The Colleges And The Institutes

On the evening of Monday 12th of April, 2021, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University Assist. Prof. Dr.Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani visited the residence house of the female students of the colleges and institutes. He was accompanied by the Assistant of the Rector for the Students Affairs, Assist Prof. Dr. Yousif Mustafa Rasul, the Dean of the Erbil Technical Administration Institute, Dr. Brzo Dizayi, and the Directorate of the Residence House, Mr. Farhad Othman Omar.

The reason behind this visit was to offer the students the sanitary needs against the Corona Virus protection and to know their requirements and problems they face in the apartments.

Erbil Polytechnic University fulfilled the Football League of Soran Technical Institute Students

To celebrate the Kurdistan March Rising Memories of 1991, Erbil Polytechnic University opened a Football League for the morning and evening shift students of Soran Technical Institute. In this league, 22 teams participated. The Soran Technical Institute Dean, Ms. Pakistan Mohammed Amin, the Soran Technical Institute Dean’s Assistant, Mr. Sirwan Latif, and instructors attended the league’s final game.

On the 12th of April 2021, the final game was played by Second Year Students of the Business Management Department and First-Year Students of Nursing Department who scored 3-2 galls. They became the champion of this league, and they have been rewarded by the Soran Technical Institute Dean and Dean’s Assistant.

EPU Will Present An Online Workshop For The Students Under the title “Simulation Of Basic Circuits With The Help Of The Software LTSpice”

The International Office of the Erbil Polytechnic University will deliver an online workshop under the title “Simulation of Basic Circuits with the Help of the Software LTSpice.” The Research assistant Mr. Moaid Othman manages this workshop on 31th of March, 20121, at 08:00 PM.
This workshop will be delivered specifically for the students of these departments: (Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Relations, and Mechanic and Energy) via the English and Kurdish languages through a Zoom Platform. To get more information about this Software, kindly click here.
To participate in this workshop, please click this link.
Meeting ID: 857 42080728
Password: workshop