Category Archives: Master Thesis

Evaluation of XRCC1, Interleukin-8, and Bcl-2 gene expression in gastric cancer patients

  • Danya Awni Kamal
  • [email protected]
  • 0750 746 0492
  • last updated pdf file for online upload
  • Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the deadliest tumor’s due to its competence to invade and metastasize. Multiple genetic and epigenetic alterations are implicated in gastric carcinogenesis. In addition, this disease is mostly diagnosed at a late stage. The DNA repair gene x-ray repair cross-complementing protein (XRCC1), Cytokine Interleukin-8 (IL-8) gene, and anti-apoptotic B-cell lymphoma (Bcl-2) gene perform a crucial role in the development and progression of GC. This study aimed to evaluate the expression of these target genes in GC patients in the Kurdistan region of Iraq (KRG). Gastric cancer tissues were taken from 29 patients that were diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma that underwent gastric resection and 21 tissue samples were taken from healthy patients that underwent
    gastroscopy. The gastric tissues were collected in different hospitals in Erbil- and Sulaymaniyah city in the Kurdistan region of Iraq and stored at -80 ֯C for molecular purposes. Data regarding the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, age, and gender of the gastric patients with their stage of the disease were recorded and analyzed using GraphPad Prism. The gene expression levels of XRCC1, IL8, and Bcl-2 from gastric tissue were studied by quantitative Real-Time PCR (qRT-PCR). The result showed that H. pylori infection was equally distributed among males and females in the tissues of gastric patients, while most of the H.pylori-negative patients were females. It is also found that gastric patients between 30-60 years old were more commonly positive tested for the H. pylori test. Furthermore, in this study patients diagnosed with gastric inflammation were more often tested positive for H. pylori, while patients diagnosed with gastric cancer were all negative tested for this infection. Additionally, it was found that the target genes (XRCC1, IL-8, and Bcl-2) were significantly upregulated in GC patients compared to the healthy group. Taking together, our result revealed that XRCC1, IL-8, and Bcl-2 were upregulated in gastric cancer patients compared to the healthy control group. This may indicate that these target genes could play role in gastric carcinogenesis and therefore, targeting XRCC1, IL-8, and Bcl-2 genes might be an interesting field and promising strategy for cancer treatment. 

  • Erbil Technical Health College
  • Medical Laboratory Technology department
  • Molecular Biology

The Role Of Strategic Planning For Human Resources In Improving Marketing Performance

  • shamal anwar hasan
  • [email protected]
  • 0750 456 8267
  • shamal. master
  • Abstract
    The Role Of Strategic Planning For Human Resources In Improving
    Marketing Performance: An Exploratory Study Of The Opinions Of A
    Sample Of Employees Of Some Furniture Companies In The City Of Erbil
    The current study aims at analyzing the correlation and the role of strategic planning for human resources for research furniture companies, represented by its dimensions: formulation of the strategic plan, implementation of the strategic plan, and evaluation of the strategic plan for human resources in the dimensions of marketing performance represented by market share, customer satisfaction, and
    sales .The general framework of the study represents the problem of the study, which identified, with its effects, several questions about the nature of the correlation, impact and variance between the independent variable strategic planning for human resources and the dependent variable approved and marketing performance, and among the most prominent of these questions: Is there a correlation between planning strategic human resources and marketing performance in the surveyed furniture companies? What is the role of strategic
    planning for human resources on marketing performance in the surveyed furniture companies? In order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer these questions, a set of hypotheses was designed for the study, which expressed four main hypotheses and then the sub-hypotheses stemming from them .The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach, as the main and sub-variables were
    described, as well as to analyze the relationships and influence between the variables. The number of surveyed companies was 152 managers and head of the department, while the number of respondents reached 110. The hypotheses were tested through a set of analyses and statistical tests using the statistical analysis program, namely SPSS.The study reached a set of conclusions and proposals,
    including the results of the analysis of the questionnaire form on the presence of high consistency between the main and sub-variables of the study, and the correlation was significant and positive between the two variables and their dimensions at the micro and macro level, and the correlation was significant and positive between the evaluation dimension: The strategic plan for human resources and sales, and had the strongest effect between the evaluation of the strategic plan for human resources and marketing performance. The need to establish a unit specialized in the strategic planning process, and to allocate a
    department concerned with strategic planning for human resources at the company level, and the need to link the strategic plan for human resources with the strategic plan of the surveyed furniture companies until the completion of the system for achieving the strategic goals drawn for companies.

    Keywords: Strategic Planning for Human Resources, Marketing Performance.

  • Erbil Technical Administrative College
  • Business Administration Techniques Department

The Impact of High-Performance Work System on Job Satisfaction through Dynamic Environment Analytic Study of the Academic Staff views at Polytechnic Universities in Kurdistan Region – Iraq

  • Shayan shwan muhamad amin
  • [email protected]
  • 0750 767 3603
  • 1682492464594076
    1. High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) are an essential resource for managers. Although the full results of its placement in polytechnic universities/KRI, data shows that it improves organizational structure and employee morale. Examining the relative merits of multiple organizational models will help formulate the most effective framework for future research. This study investigates the role played by the dynamic environment, job satisfaction, and the role of employees in the relationship between HPWS and workplace happiness. On the other hand, high-skilled labour systems may influence all these things to enhance the competitiveness of polytechnic universities and market conditions at the micro-level. The research aims to express the effect of building the connection between a High-Performance Work System also job satisfaction, service employees, attracting customers, and retaining qualified employees, higher productivity, to explain the impact of the private dynamic environment, economic fluctuations, technological changes, and unexpected market demands on HPWS, and how develop and make competition between to crate develop at Polytechnic Universities KRI. High Performance Work System, in coordination with the various departments, develops and manages organizational initiatives for performance management and quality improvement programs to achieve long-term strategic goals. Replacement or non-provision of modern and advanced electronic equipment to universities will delay the daily work of lectures and administrative affairs of the Polytechnic Universities. The Dynamic environment influences the relationship between HPWS and job satisfaction Polytechnic Universities. Specifically, when the dynamic environment is high, the positive relationship between HPWS and Job satisfaction will be attenuated by increasing service employees, attracting customers and retaining qualified employees, and higher productivity, (H3a). However, when the Dynamic environment is low, the positive relationship between HPWS and Job satisfaction will decrease. And decrease service employees, decrease attraction to customers, decrease retention of employees, and decrease productivity, (H3b). To achieve the impact of High Performance Work System, Dynamic Environment, and Job Satisfaction interviews and Survey questionnaires was distrusted only to lectures   in Polytechnic Universities by Google Form. The analysis was done in SPSS and AMOS program to obtain the necessary and complete data. After the researcher found through data analysis that there is a direct relationship between high performance work system and job satisfaction, as well as the value of the matrix of correlation coefficients between the variables it was found that there is a positive relationship of statistical significance between the high performance work system and dynamic environment. There must be organization and planning for the work structure in universities and lectures commitment will increase the satisfaction of the community in the university.

      Keywords:  High Performance Work System, Dynamic environment, Job satisfaction, Employees, PU, KRI.

  • Erbil Technical Administrative College
  • Business Adminstration


  • Zhala Othman Ahmed
  • [email protected]
  • 0750 715 8588
  • 1681133786313616
  • Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is a contemporary human resource management, which is related to the management of the banks environment, because it contributes to increasing the degree of sustainable use of resources through Green Training, Green Recruitment, Green Appraisal of leaders and employees. Working closely on environmental issues strategies, currently the common global aspects, Green Human Resources focus on high technical levels and competition managers for employees as Banks want to develop new environments. Green Banking (GB) determining how to disclose and promote the practice of green banking, this in turn takes into account any type of banking that focuses on environmental, social and ethical aspects. Primary activities Green Production, Sustainability, especially Green Loans for natural resources and energy management. In addition, they are responsible for the shareholders' capital, activities and actions that must be disclosed and reported. The main goals of this thesis are to apply the newest concept of the modern world of green banking and green human resources. The impact of climate change on the entire world, especially Kurdistan Region – Iraq bilateral by threatening our resource of income, and on the other hand, that threat lives, particularly the natural dangers. The research hypothesis is twofold, the first shows the relationship between the variables and the second shows the impact of the variables. To achieve the impact of Green Human Resources and Green Banking interviews and survey questionnaires was distributed only to bank managers in the form of Google form. The analysis was done in SPSS to obtain the necessary and complete data. The results of the regression analysis indicate that there is a significant impact of the dimensions of Green Human Resources at the General Level in Green Banking, and that any change that occurs in Green Human Resources leads to change in VII

    Green Banking. The Kurdistan Region Government should have a standard plan for the environment for the present and future, and we can start in Green Banking process implementing.

  • Erbil Technical Administrative College
  • Business Administration