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A Delegation Of Erbil Polytechnic University Attending IGNITE Conference 2019

A delegation of Erbil Polytechnic University represented by Dr. Nageb Toma Bato, the Assistant of the Rector for Scientific Affairs and Asst. Prof. Dr. Botan Majid Asngar, the Dean of Erbil Technical Institute participated in IGNITE 2019, the 7th annual conference of SPARK organization in Amsterdam city at Holland.

IGNITE Conference is the only event worldwide that brings together refugees. Entrepreneurs, education Experts, private sector, governments, academia, and NGOs to improve higher education, promote sustainable economic empowerment and strengthen leadership amongst young people in fragile states.

From 2016, Erbil Polytechnic University in collaboration and cooperation with SPARK organized educational courses for Syrian refugees and attend to provide other various projects in the future in the fields of learning and training which will be supervised by EPU.

Erbil Polytechnic University And Tribhuvan University Of Nepal Signed A Memorandum Of Understanding (EPU)

Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) and Tribhuvan University of Nepal which is the second university in ranking at Nepal signed an academic and scientific Memorandum.

a delegation of EPU consisted of Ms. Rawshan Othman Ali and Mr. Bestun Abdulmajid Othman who are academic staff at Koya Technical Institute/EPU met with the University of Tribhuvan at Nepal so as to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The key points of this MOU concentrate on developing an academic and scientific relationship between the two universities which will step forward to build a sustainable development through holding mutual conferences and Scientific researches and exchange students.

The Tribhuvan University of Nepal consisted of four faculties which is the top two universities in the ranking of Nepal and 800-1000 best universities in the world by Times Higher Education ranking in 2019.

Erbil Polytechnic University Participates In N.E.W.S 16th International Annual Conference in China

On 21 and 22 of November 2019, a delegation of EPU consisted of Asst. Lecturer Mr. Bestun Abdulmajid Othman and Ms. Rawshan Othman Ali, an academic staff of Koya Technical Institute attended an annual international conference of Global Universities hosted by China Three Gorge University in the city of Yinchuan.

In the conference, the representatives of EPU delivered a presentation about EPU in order to provide brief information concerning its background. It is worth mentioning that more than 29 universities and organizations from 15 different countries attended the conference.

The conference was first initiated in 1994 by the Berlin University of Applied Science where they created a joint network of non-governmental organizational universities and colleges from Europe and East Asia called N.E.W.S. standing for North, East, West, and South and it has Members from all over the world.

Erbil Polytechnic University Participates In N.E.W.S 16th International Annual Conference in China

On 21 and 22 of November 2019, a delegation of EPU consisted of Asst. Lecturer Mr. Bestun Abdulmajid Othman and Ms. Rawshan Othman Ali, academic at Koya Technical Institute attended an annual international conference of Global Universities hosted by China Three Gorge University in the city of Yinchuan.

In the conference, the representatives of EPU delivered a presentation about EPU in order to provide brief information concerning its background. It is worth mentioning that more than 29 universities and organizations from 15 different countries.

The conference was first initiated in 1994 by the Berlin University of Applied Science where they created a joint network of non-governmental organizational universities and colleges from Europe and East Asia called N.E.W.S. standing for North, East, West, and South and it has Members from all over the world.