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The Medical Departments of the Erbil Polytechnic University Do Blood Tests For the People in the Erbil City Center

To collaborate with society and within the Medical Scientific Departments’ activities of the EPU On Thursday 24th of June 2021 Disease Analysis (Laboratory) Department of the Erbil Health, Technical Institute examined people blood in the Erbil City Center.

The Erbil Health Technical Institute staff and students supervised this activity in which they made various tests for the Erbil citizens.

It is worth to be mentioned that such activities are processed annually by the Medical colleges and institutes of our university as a humanitarian and patriotic duty.

For the First Time Erbil Polytechnic University Manages Two Bowling Game Leagues

Within the Exterior Activities Directorate Activities, on Sunday and Monday 21 & 22nd of June 2021, the Presidency of the Erbil Polytechnic University managed two Bowling Game Leagues at the Smile Land of Game City.

These leagues continued for two days;  the University Council Members’ leagues and the Directors’ league were held. Every player should complete 10 rounds; each round, they could throw two bowling in which they are supposed to collect more points.

At the University Council Members’ round, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ayad Zaki Saber gained top one that he could collect 104 points and Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani got top two with 100 points.

At the Directors’ league level, Mr. Farhad Othman Omer could get 113 points who reached top one, and Mr. Salar Dlawar Hawezi collected 98 points on which he gained top two.

Then, the Exterior Activities Directorate, with the sponsor of the Smile Land of the Gaming City, rewarded the winners.

Erbil Polytechnic expressed its gratitude towards the Smile Land of the Gaming City, for they sponsored both leagues of the Bowling Game. They decided to perform more activities together in the future.

A Delegation Of The Erbil Polytechnic University Visited Northern Technical University

On 21th of June 2021, the Erbil Polytechnic University Delegation visited The Northern Technical University (NTU) at the Mosul City to prepare for the Second League of the International Conference of Medical and Biological Technics (ICMBT). This Delegation consisted of the Rector Assistant for Scientific Affairs Dr. Nageb Toma Bato the Director of the International Relations Office, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah, and the Director of the Scientific Research Center, the UTU President Assistant for Administrative Affairs, Asst. Prof Dr. Hemn Kakakhan Awlla.

In this meeting, the NTU President, Prof. Dr. Alyaa Abbas Al-Attar, Asst. Prof.Dr. Dhanoun Younes Dhanoun, the Mosul Technical Institute Dean, Asst. Prof. Dr. Haitham Abdullah Rajab, the College of Health and Medical Technology Dean, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yawoz, the Technical Agricultural College Dean, and the Director of the scientific Affairs, Asst. Prof. Fawwaz Fadhil Ali were available. During this meeting, they discussed the process of submitting papers and all relating issues that are necessary for the conference. They also talked about future collaboration between both universities through scientific researches and opening new programs for post-graduate studies.

It is worth to be mentioned that the Second League of the International Conference of Medical and Biological Technics (ICMBT) will be held on 10-12th 2021.

Erbil Polytechnic University Opened An Art Gallery For The Artist Kivan Barzani

Today 21st of June 2021, at the Ceremony Hall of the EPU Presidency by the EPU Rector, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani and several academic staff and administrative staff of the Exterior Activities Directorate opened an art gallery for Mr. Kivan Barzani.

In this Gallery Show. Mr. Kivan Barzani presented several portraits that were consisted of some Kurdish politicians and important personalities. The EPU Rector expressed his warm gratitude after receiving a gift from Mr. Kivan Barzani the EPU Logo Portrait.

At the end of this event, the EPU Rector rewarded Mr. Kivan Barzani with an honorary certificate and thanked him for his great work.