On Tuesday, the 30th of December, 2024, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, received Mr. Mark Straw, US Consul General in Erbil and his accompanying delegation.
In the meeting Prof. Dr. Azad Hassan Qadir, the Vice Rector for Administrative and Financial Affairs; Asst. Prof. Botan Majid Ahmed, the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah, the General Director of Scientific Research Center; Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif, the Dean of the Mergasor Technical Institute were present.
The Rector welcomed the US Consul General and his accompanying delegation and briefed the guest delegation about the university, its structure, colleges and different departments. He also pointed out that our university includes a number of scientific departments that are different from other departments in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region only exist in the Erbil Polytechnic University.
In another part of his speech, the rector said that we as a university are working to match our specialties with the labor market and then our graduates get jobs.
The US Consul General in the Erbil congratulated the Erbil Polytechnic University for paying attention to the opening of the departments that are important and currently suitable for the labor market, and also mentioned the opening of job fair which has created a significant number of job opportunities for graduates of the Erbil Polytechnic University.
He reaffirmed his full support for the university and said that they will have more collaboration in the future and reassured the support of the consulate to the university and expressed his pleasure for visiting the university.
Later, the Rector presented the U.S. Consul General the university plaque, and the U.S. Consul presented special consular gifts to the audience.