On Sunday 14-5-2023، the President of the University of P.D. Idris Muhammad Herki، during the 3rd Scientific Conference of Erbil Polytechnic University، honored the Dean of the Choman Technical Institute on the occasion of raising their scientific title.
On Tuesday, the 9th of May, 2023, in the presence of His Excellency Mullah Mustafa Massoud Barzani, the Representative of the President of the Kurdistan Region, the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Rector of the University Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, Director of Soran Independent Administration, Mergasur District Governor, members of the university council, a number of personalities and elders of the region, party and government officials, teachers, and students the official introduction ceremony was held.
The ceremony began with a moment of silence for the souls of the martyrs and listening to the national anthem Ay Raqib. Later, the Dean of the Mergasor Technical University Dr.Talib Mohammed Sharif delivered a speech in which he welcomed and thanked Mulla Mustafa Barzani for his assistance and support to the institute from the establishment of the institute until now.
Then the Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research delivered a speech in which he congratulated the Erbil Polytechnic University and officials cooperating in the establishment of the first academic institution in the region and described this step as important for the youth of Mergasor district and Barzan region. What we have performed in the Mergasor Technical Institute is the tiniest gift we could offer to this revolutionary and struggling region and I hope they will accept it from us.
Then in a video, the Rector of the university, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki said: “The opening of this institute has an effective impact for the region. We are happy to serve this region and as a university we try to adapt the specialties taught in this institute to the nature of the region and the labor market. For this academic year, another scientific department will be opened in Mergasor Technical Institute, which is the nursing department, which will fill the needs of Mergasor district and surrounding areas with medical staff and assistants from the youth of the region. This will affect the development of the health sector in the region.”
Afterwards, a short video on the establishment procedures and the stages of building the institute, as well as the future strategy and program of the institute was explained.
Before the end of the ceremony, Mullah Mustafa Barzani presented awards to those who have been an important helper and supporter in the past in the establishment, opening and development of Mergasor Technical Institute.