On Sunday the 17 December 2023, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki several members of the university council, teachers, employees and students, several activities and ceremonies worthy of the flag day were held in the presidency and both campuses one and two of the Erbil Polytechnic University.
At the beginning, the Rector of the university delivered a speech in which he expressed his pleasure to commemorate this holy occasion and said: “If we go back to history, flag making has an ancient history and according to historical sources, the idea of using the flag originated in India and China, then in Southeast Asia It became familiar.
In the Middle Ages, flags were used for various purposes such as identity and class distinction in cities, as well as for temples, religious places, religious ceremonies, as well as in wars and revolutions, and each army had its own flag.
Like any other nation in the world, the Kurdish nation has had its own flag, which has changed its shape and colors according to the stages of history.
The flag that we proudly raise here today is the flag of the first Kurdistan Republic that was hoisted by Peshawa Qazi Mohammad.
After the collapse of the Kurdistan Republic, Peshawa Qazi Mohammad handed over the only souvenir of the republic, the Kurdistan flag, to General Mustafa Barzani.
After the uprising, the Kurdistan National Assembly declared December 17 as the day of raising the Kurdistan flag by its resolution No. 48 on June 19,
In the history of the Kurdish people’s struggle and sovereignty, the Kurdish flag has had its own sacred flag and hundreds of sacrifices have been made to protect it.
Although successive Iraqi regimes have always planned to weaken and destroy the Kurds. For this purpose they have faced the armed struggle of the Kurdish people in several stages, but the Kurdistan flag has always remained as a symbol of victory.
While the nations of the world are proud of their identity and flag, we similarly as Kurdish people are proud of the sacredness of our flag and under the orders of President Massoud Barzani, we are ready to die every minute under the shadow of that flag.
We hope that one day our Kurdistan flag will shine along with the flags of other countries in front of the UN headquarters and in international centers.
Happy Kurdistan Flag Day in a resilient and prosperous Kurdistan.
I welcome all of you and thank you again for your attendance.”
Afterwards, the commemoration was decorated with the presentation of several poems dedicated to the flag and Kurdistan by teachers, employees and students.