On Thursday, the 31th of August, 2023, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, in a ceremony, the Aviar Environmental Awareness Organization fulfilled a two-month course on the environmental protection, in which students of the Erbil Technology College of the Erbil Polytechnic University participated.
At the beginning of the ceremony, Asst. Prof. Dr. Nageb Toma Bato, the Vice Rector for the Scientific Affairs and Higher Education; Asst. Prof. Dr. Botan Majid Asngar, the Dean of the Erbil Technology College, the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board of the Kurdistan Regional Government Dr. Abdulrahman Sadiq and a number of party and government officials were present. The President of the Aviar Environmental Awareness Organization Mr. Aso Shikak welcomed the guests and explained how the course was conducted and presented the strategy of his organization to the participants.
The students participated in this course in both theoretical and practical methods and were taught by 30 environmental teachers to play their role in protecting greenery and cleanliness in Kurdistan in the future.
This course was organized in cooperation with the Ala Center, the supervision of the Nongovernmental Organizations Office, the Erbil Environmental Services and Protection Directorate, the Erbil Water and Sewerage Directorate, the Parks and Gardens Engineering Directorate, the Erbil Forestry and Environmental Police Directorate, the Erbil Environmental Office, and the Byabani Sawz (Green Desert) Organization.
At the end of the ceremony, a certificate of appreciation was presented by Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki and other participants.