In collaboration with the Nottingham University of the United Kingdom, The International Relations Office of the Erbil Polytechnic University arranged a workshop regarding internationalizing higher Education, study program, and technical and vocational Education on the 18th and 19th of October 2022.
The University Rector Assistant for Scientific Affairs, Council Members, and lecturers were present in the workshop. The workshop program included four subjects delivered online by Nottingham University Experts and professors Juliet Thondhlana, Rights Lab Associate Professor in Education and Migration, Prof. Dr. Volker Wedekind (Professor of Education) Faculty of Social Science, and Joshua Hawkins, Lead Officer (International) at the Midlands Engine.
The workshop subjects were the development of internationalization strategy in the world post Covid19, building a successful educational partnership, essential concepts and attentions of internationalizing education programs, the debated problems of skillful frameworks, and work and vocational programs. They also talked about some other topics like a focus on the type and level of the Erbil Polytechnic University internationalization.
This workshop is a part of the memorandum of understanding between the Erbil Polytechnic University, and Nottingham University signed on October 2021.
It is worth mentioning that Nottingham University is one of the top 18 universities in the United Kingdom and 114 worldwide.