Daily Archives: November 28, 2021

Erbil polytechnic University Wins A grant Fund Project From Erasmus+ Programme

Within the activities of the EPU International Relations Office, Erbil Polytechnic University achieved a grant fund project “Empowerment for Migrants-from Camps to Integration”. They have obtained a large grant of (268,523 Euro) from the French National Agency Erasmus+. The grant is a three-year project that focuses on the empowerment of migrants from camps to integration with the local community in the Kurdistan Regional Iraq.

Seven partners involved in the implementation process: Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) (Kurdistan region of Iraq), lo Sviluppo, Economia e Innovazione – APS (Italy), Comité mondial Pour les Apprentissages tout au long de la vie, Centro Internazionale Per La (France), Centro Internazionale Per La Promozione Dell’Educazione E Lo Sviluppo, Promozione dell’Educazione E Lo Sviluppo Assocaizione (Italy), Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Westdeutscher (Greece), Handwerkskammertag, Foundation European Centre, Vakuation Prior (Germany), and Learning/Stichting Europeescentrum Waarderen Van Leren (Netherlands). The project agreement implementation will continues for three years, from 1st of November 2021 to 1st of November 2024.

In the Erbil Polytechnic University, the International Relations Director, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah, Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Omer Yassin, Dr. Selar Othman, and staff supervise the programme. Through this project, 180 people attend the training courses at places with political problems and struggles, and a part of this programme is dedicated to our vulnerable students. The training course subjects include Human Capacity Development and strengthening their personalities to get job opportunities in the future.