On Monday 21st of December 2020, in the Language Center/Reform Directorate of the Peshmerga Ministry with the Presence of the EPU Rector Assistant, Dr. Nageb Toma Bato, Commander Brigade Karzan Property and Planning Director of the Ministry, brigadier general Hazhar the Ministry Collaboration and Relations Director, Brigade Dler Miran Reform Director, Colonel Nogradi, the German Commander in Iraq and Kurdistan Region, Lieutenant Eve the German Military Counselor and the Reform Team Head of the Peshmerga Ministry, and the training course supervisors (Asst. Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah and Dr. Abdullah Omer Yassin) completed the course.
Within the mutual projects between the Peshmerga Ministry and the Erbil Polytechnic University, the Project management training course has been fulfilled in collaboration and support of the Coalition Forces. This course continued for about two weeks in which 30 Peshmerga Ministry officers have been rewarded with the certificate of participation.
They also decided to continue presenting some other training courses to make other officers get benefit from them.