On Sunday, 9th August 2020, 4:00 pm GMT +3, 9:00 am GMT Erbil Polytechnic University hosts a webinar on “Privilege & Accountability in Online Learning” presented by Dr. Jessica Ashe on an online meeting. The International Relations Office has organized this webinar at EPU, which is part of a series of international activities to promote the internationalization strategy of the university and enhances its ranking among world universities.
This fall, many teachers and students are not returning to school in the way they hoped – online. At this unprecedented moment in history, the job of the educational leader is to help students adapt to this privileged point of connection and ensure class is interactive. The student should, under no circumstance, halt their educational process. Right now, despite the disheartening global situation, actually because of this sadness, embracing this connection for growth can enliven the spirit. This session will focus on detailed strategies and tips for successful online education and learning this particular fall.
Dr. Jessica Ashe is the CEO of Global Mobility, with the mission of strengthening global communities by uniting diverse members in shared meaning-making growth projects. She helps students, scholars, and entrepreneurs of developing nations to get to the worldwide stage, where they belong. Through her work with Miami University Regional Campus Global Programs over the past five years, and before that, Dr. Ashe raised children deliberately, from her volunteer work in the public school system. She discovered the need to teach personal leadership skill sets to teenagers explicitly. As such, she developed many lessons in that area and has started a YouTube channel devoted to Mindset Growth. Jessica also teaches conflict resolution and the value of community service. Her doctoral degree is in Literacy & Second Language Studies (LSLS) from the University of Cincinnati. As a doctoral student, she traveled to Erbil and taught at Salahaddin University as a participant in the higher education exchange between the two schools. Her master’s degree is in European Languages & Literatures from the University of Hawaii @ Manoa, where she also taught French. During that time, she also studied at the Sorbonne and the Centre International d’Etudes Françaises in Angers, France. Her undergraduate degree in Cultural Anthropology from Emory University incited a love of understanding the deep intrinsic values in all cultures. She is currently in her second year of an MBA from Miami University Farmer School of Business.

It is worth to be mentioned that the International Relations Office of Erbil Polytechnic University is in the process of signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Miami Regional University to establish collaboration in students and staff mobility, research innovation, and offer online courses. Such a partnership is fulfilling the vision and mission of the university in improving its visibility locally and internationally.
Webinar date and time: Sunday, 9th August 2020, 4:00pm GMT +3, 9:00am GMT -4.
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