Erbil Polytechnic University Supervised A Seminar Delivered By Some British Language Specialists

Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) supervised a seminar delivered by three British language specialists. They consisted of Mrs. Govind Desai (the head of the program), Dani Mundy (Trainer), and Rinku Dian (Technician) from Birmingham College in the U.K. They created an application for teachers which is used for learning English language. To more introduce this vital application, they will open training courses which will reward British college certificates that are approved by U.K academic and scientific institutions to the attendees.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani, the president of EPU, the vice president for Scientific Affairs, the director of the English language center of EPU, many academic staff and employees, and tens of the students of Erbil Technical Administration Institute, Translation Department attended the seminar.

Through some data shows, Mrs. Dani Mundy explained the way of using and learning the application of teaching the English language. To more introduce this vital application, they will open training courses which will reward British college certificates that are approved by U.K academic and scientific institutions to the attendees.