On Monday, the 22nd of December, 2024, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Abdulfattah Abdulrazzaq, the Minister Deputy of the Higher Education and Scientific Research, Head of the Aso Regional Committee (PDK), and a significant number of teachers and employees, the farewell ceremony was held for the Vice Rectors and a number of deans.
At the beginning of the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University welcomed the guests and said: “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have gathered here today to honor several teachers who have served in various positions in the Erbil Polytechnic University, including Vice Rectors, Deans, the Director of Scientific Research Center and Director of the Public Registration Administration and positions, especially when they received ranks and positions was a difficult task, including the economic crisis, the war against ISIS, the coronavirus epidemic, which have all been obstacles to their work, despite all these crises, but they continued They gave a lot to get to that day. We must remember the hard work they have done. They did not give up even though they faced ups and downs. With all the complaints of their teachers and employees they were the ones who endured and were able to successfully carry out their work and brought it to this day.”
Regarding the change, the university Rector said: “The issue of change has been an issue since the formation of the Kurdistan Regional Government since the first cabinet until today. Thank God we have learned that every position is handed over and no position is given to anyone till eternity. What we have seen from the Kurdistan Region president to the dean and head of department, how well we have learned the tradition to manage the institutions of the Kurdistan Regional Government, this is a very beautiful step that we have seen with our own eyes.Therefore, we must welcome these changes so that we can give others the opportunity to experience themselves and see where they can do better. There is no doubt that Erbil Polytechnic University needs those who have acquired good expertise in administrative matters, and the Erbil Polytechnic University, which we all know needs more teachers, so it certainly needs the expertise of these teachers. From now on, they must help and cooperate with those who are new to the university and the university council.
Ladies and gentlemen, we as university professors and instructors must be proud of our teaching. The highest rank in society is a university professor. It is not that someone becomes rector or dean or vice rector. We are all proud to be university professors. First of all, we must keep this in mind. In developed countries, especially in the United States, when the president’s term ends, he is looking for a job. The best job he can find is to become a teacher at a university. Therefore, teaching is alongside the person who becomes president of the United States, so we hope that these changes with a broad heart and consider themselves successful teachers and in their field can serve the country and the university. We are pleased to honor their efforts today, so we held a worthy ceremony for them.”
Afterwards, an honorary plaque was presented and a letter of appreciation was awarded to the below ones.
The dignitaries who were honored were:
Prof. Dr. Jawdat Jaafar Khatab, the Vice Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University for Administrative and Financial Affairs.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nageb Toma Bato, the Vice Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education.
Dr. Brzo Hamza Dizayi, the Dean of the Erbil Technical Administration Institute.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Azad Ahmed Mahmood, the Dean of the Erbil Technical Administration College.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Botan Majid Asngar, the Dean of Erbil Technology College.
Asst. Prof. Mr. Umed Arshad Hawezi, the Dean of the Erbil Medical Technical Institute.
Mr. Sarwar Jamal Hayder, the Dean of the Choman Technical Institute.
Mr. Soran Zanun Yasin the Dean of the Khabat Technical Institute.
Miss. Pakistan Muhammed Amin the Soran Technical College.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Hemn Kakakhan Awla, the General Director of the Scientific Research Center.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah, the Director of the International Relations Office at the University Presidency.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarsam Khalil Omer, the Director of Public Registration at the University Presidency.