Posts classified under: English

An Announcement Of EPU Regarding Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP)

Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) would like to announce about Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Program (IYLEP) for the 2020 summer program. The deadline to apply is December 15, 2019. IYLEP is a unique educational exchange opportunity for skillful and dedicated young Iraqi leaders to travel to the U.S. and live in U.S. communities and culture, in the beginning, they will stay for four weeks.

IYLEP is sponsored by the U.S. Government which consists of three programs to apply: IYLEP for Undergraduate Students, IYLEP for High School (English Speakers), and IYLEP for High school students (Arabic Speakers). For more information, please visit U.S. Consulate General Erbil at, Interested applicants can apply online at

In order to be able to apply formally, EPU students should visit the International Office in the presidency of EPU for necessary formal procedures.

EPU Attending An Iraqi-British Business Conference In London

A delegation of Erbil Polytechnic University represented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani the rector of EPU, accompanied by Mr. Zanear Jabbar an instructor at Erbil Technical Administration College, has attended Iraqi-British Business Conference held in London in the U.K.

This business conference was between Iraq and the UK that have been arranged by the Iraqi –British Business Council. The Ambassador of Iraq in the UK, representatives of KRG, representatives of Chamber of Commerce in Kurdistan and a number of Stakeholders, investors of Kurdistan and the UK have participated in the conference.

Annually, the Union of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kurdistan Region in collaboration with EPU deliver several training courses for students and alumni of EPU in order to enhance their capacity building skills and business qualification to make them easily seize job opportunities in the labor market.

A Lecturer Of EPU Has Delivered A Seminar At Sheffield Hallam University Of The U.K.

Today, Mr. Zanear Jabbar, a Lecturer at Erbil Technical Administration College of EPU, conducted a seminar at Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield City, which was a story about his successful studying in this university when he was a master student (2013-2015).

In the seminar, Mr. Zanear Jabbar delivered a speech about his past four-year work experiences after fulfilling his MBA about holding a variety of workshops, seminars and training courses concerning the projects of qualification development and vocational training to build capacity in students to be prepared for Labor Market and private sectors of Kurdistan Region. It is worth to be mentioned that his activities reached more than 440 ones!

Sheffield Hallam University is one of the most prominent universities in the UK, in which more than 30 thousand students study in business fields and international business management.

Erbil Polytechnic University Has Participated In A Training Course About “Technical And Vocational Institute Training (TVET)”

On 10th till 12th of November 2019, six faculties and administrative staff of Erbil Polytechnic University have attended a training course under the title of “Technical and Vocational Institute Training (TVET)”. This workshop is supervised by IREX Organization which is funded by USAID

This training workshop is adopted for seven technical Colleges and universities in Iraq which lasts for three days. Its aim is to provide and exposure new ideas, knowledge, best particles and equipment to adapt and put into institutions of KRI.