Category Archives: presidency

EPU and Tishk international renewed their joint higher education courses agreement

On Monday 21/1/2019, A delegation from Tishk international university visited Erbil polytechnic university(EPU).
The aim of the visit was, to discuss signing a new memorandum of understanding for opening joint higher educational courses.

As a result of the meeting, the both sides have reached an agreement to renew memorandum of understanding that had been signed a year ago.

Arranging this meeting, came after the marked success of the first agreement. It has been signed by both Assistant prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani, the rector of EPU and Dr. Edris Hadi, the head of Tishk international university’s board of trustees.

EPU to implement Bologna process system

On Wednesday January 16, Erbil Polytechnic University in cooperation with Charmo and Tishik universities held a workshop entitled ‘’ implementation approach of European credit transfer and accreditation system ETCS at Erbil polytechnic university’’.

The workshop took place at EPU’s conference hall and was attended by the advisor to the minister of higher education and Dr Amanj Saeed and a number of academics, government and politic officials.

The workshop aimed to discuss updating the study system to bologna process, the steps toward implementing the process and the learning outcomes at the Universities of Charmo and Tishik.

Furthermore, the steps of implementing bologna process at EPU have been discussed.
The event showed an open discussion at the end between the presenters and the attendees.

EPU participated a training course regarding Solar Energy

A number of Erbil polytechnic university’s academic staff with  a number of its alumni participated a training course for TOTs’ ( Training of Trainers) regarding Solar Energy in Erbil.

The training course was organised by Rwanga Foundation in coordination with GIZ which is funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development.

The training course lasted six days ( Jan9th-15th, 2019 ). Erbil Polytechnic University participated the project by nominating alumni in the field of Solar Energy, aiming to provide the chance for its alumni to become trainers in this field.

Furthermore,  EPU had also contributed  this project by participating  its professional staff, experienced in the area of Solar energy.