On Tuesday, the 17th of October, 2023, in the conference hall of the Erbil Polytechnic University, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the university Rector, Asst. Prof. Mr. Umed Arshad Hawezi, the Dean of the Erbil Medical Technical Institute, a large number of teachers and students a health workshop was held under the title of (World Vision Week and Day, the Vision Protection is the Human Health Protection).
At the beginning, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki the Rector of the University, welcomed the teachers and students and said: We are pleased that the Erbil Medical Technical Institute has brought us together again today on the occasion of Vision Week. I appreciate their great efforts because it is not the first time, they have gathered us in this hall for the days related to human health and life. Vision Week is within the effective days in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, the department of eye examination has always continued to present seminars and workshops which is commendable. Other departments of the institute have done such works. In fact, the Medical Technical Institute should pay more attention to these issues not only for students, teachers and university staff, but also to enter the community and interact with the community. Society constantly needs the knowledge that university teachers have to listen to and use in life, especially in general health, whether it is vision or medicine and birth I think these activities should continue, especially workshops and seminars. For example, we should go to a neighborhood around Erbil and give seminars to the people there on any topic I am very pleased with the activities carried out in the institute. I hope to expand it. We would like to thank the department of eye examination and the deanship of the institute for conducting this workshop.
Then Prof. Murad Amir Ahmad presented a special seminar on World Sight Day, then Dr. Sami Jalal Abdulsamad, Dr. Diyar Abdulqadir Ibrahim and Dr. Beriwan Abdulqadir Ali presented their special health seminars, in which the topics of the workshop were explained in detail to the participants.
Afterwards, the door of questions and discussions was opened for the participants to answer questions about the topics and they were answered by expert doctors.
Before the end of the workshop, the workshop presenters were awarded certificates of appreciation by the Rector.