Erbil Polytechnic University conducted a workshop on Bologna Process and Database System (ECTS) for the lecturers of the Koya Technical Institute.
The workshop was organized by the Bologna Process and Database Systems (ECTS) Committees of the University Presidency. Asst. Prof. Dr. Botan Majid Asngar, the Chairman of the Bologna Process Committee; Dr. Dilêr Abdullah, Member of the Bologna Process Committee; Mr. Goran Maghdid was held in which the latest developments and improvements of both systems were explained to the participants and teachers.
In the workshop, the Chairman of the Bologna Process High Committee of the Erbil Polytechnic University, Asst. Prof. Dr. Botan Majid Asngar talked about the new steps and guidelines of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for this academic year.
Afterwards, Dr. Dilêr Abdullah explained the requirements of the Bologna system to the heads of departments and teachers. Then, Mr. Rebwar Khalid Hamad talked about the technical mistakes that the heads of departments and teachers have made in the database system (ECTS) in recent years, and Mr. Yasin Hamid Rashid highlighted the changes made in the interface and working methods of the system.
Finally, Mr. Goran Maghdid highlighted the new commands of the system and talked about the latest additions to the system that will be available for this academic year.