Author Archives: admin

Erbil Polytechnic University in Collaboration with IREX Conducted an Introduction Training for Sales for Faculty Members of All Iraqi Universities

In the presence of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Erbil, Erbil Polytechnic University in Collaboration with  IREX conducted an Introduction Training for Sales for 17 of faculty members of all Iraqi universities that will last for two days. After the end of the training, the faculty members who participated in this course will manage similar training for the students of their colleges and institutes. It is important to be mentioned that Mr. Zanear Jabbar, EPU university Instructor and  Business Development Director has delivered this important training.

After two years of researching and surveying under the supervision of US Embassy in Iraq and IREX organization, they have realized that such a course is vital for Iraqi Sales. It is worth to be mentioned that this course is held in Erbil for the second time which is managed by Erbil Polytechnic University in collaboration with Chamber Of Commerce and Industry of Erbil.

In Cooperation with Witty Technology And Automota4 Group, EPU Has Managed A Workshop About Education Management System

Today, in September 25, 2019 a significant workshop about Education Management System is held by Witty Technology Company in partnership with Automota4 Group Company in Erbil Polytechnic University.

This workshop is presented by Mr. Amaar H. Fallaha, the President/CEO of Witty Technology Company. While delivering the presentation, Mr. Fallaha mentioned that the company can provide a Software Development System and IT Services for the educational sectors, managed by a new well –developed technology in which they successfully applied in 9 of Middle East countries.

The mentioned Education Management System is divided into Administrative Management System, Human Resource Management, Financial, Students Information System, Faculty Management System, University Management System, Quality Management, Executive and More…

More than 30 people attended this interesting workshop including professors, faculties, the head of departments and units and staff in the presidency of EPU.

EPU Academic Staff are Hosted by U.S. General Consulate Erbil

U.S. Consulate General Erbil hosted a number of academic staff from various English language programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. Steve Fagin, the U.S. Consul, emphasized the importance of the programs to provide new opportunities, skill development, and help teachers pass the knowledge on in the classroom.

Representing EPU, both Head of Grant and Fund Raising Unit, Dr. Selar Othman Ali, in the International Office, and a lecturer in Soran Technical Institute, Mr. Talib Hama Sharif have participated in two online courses for English language teachers which are Professional Knowledge for ELT course and American English Live Teacher Development Series 3. Furthermore, such online courses are sponsored by U.S. Embassy, Iraq.

A Delegation of Erbil Polytechnic University visiting Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

Within one of the constant efforts of Erbil Polytechnic University to strengthen relationship with international academic institutions and further enhance internationalization strategy, a delegation from EPU headed by professor assistant Dr. Jawdat Jaffar Khatab, vice president for administrative affairs, Dr. Bahat Hassib Ali, lecturer in technical media department and Dr. Abdullah Omar Yassen, the head of cultural relations unit in the directorate of international office visited Malaysia during 30th  August till 6th  September 2019. The purpose behind this visit was to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and to meet with the organizing committee of the collaborative of the second international conference on social transformation and regional development (ICoSTRD2020) between EPU and UTHM in order to discuss the outstanding issues related to the conference which will be held on 4th  and 5th  of February 2020.

The vice chancellor of the UTHM and vice president of the EPU emphasized on the importance of collaboration between the two universities in order to implement the strategy of internationalization, enhance the reputation of both universities, and explore the marketing of both universities to recruit international students and staff. As a representative of the international office of EPU, Dr. Abdulla Omer Yassen, had another meeting with UTHM director and the head of students’ mobility program from international office to discuss the possibility of exchanging students and staff. Both parties showed the willingness to start the process and have arranged to blueprint the programs and implement the agreed-upon points in the MOU.

The visit is the start of a number of projects that both universities have agreed to work on in the nearest future to further strengthen the academic relationships between the two universities.