Author Archives: admin

A Lecturer Of EPU Has Delivered A Seminar At Sheffield Hallam University Of The U.K.

Today, Mr. Zanear Jabbar, a Lecturer at Erbil Technical Administration College of EPU, conducted a seminar at Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield City, which was a story about his successful studying in this university when he was a master student (2013-2015).

In the seminar, Mr. Zanear Jabbar delivered a speech about his past four-year work experiences after fulfilling his MBA about holding a variety of workshops, seminars and training courses concerning the projects of qualification development and vocational training to build capacity in students to be prepared for Labor Market and private sectors of Kurdistan Region. It is worth to be mentioned that his activities reached more than 440 ones!

Sheffield Hallam University is one of the most prominent universities in the UK, in which more than 30 thousand students study in business fields and international business management.

Erbil Polytechnic University Has Participated In A Training Course About “Technical And Vocational Institute Training (TVET)”

On 10th till 12th of November 2019, six faculties and administrative staff of Erbil Polytechnic University have attended a training course under the title of “Technical and Vocational Institute Training (TVET)”. This workshop is supervised by IREX Organization which is funded by USAID

This training workshop is adopted for seven technical Colleges and universities in Iraq which lasts for three days. Its aim is to provide and exposure new ideas, knowledge, best particles and equipment to adapt and put into institutions of KRI.

The Presidency of Erbil Polytechnic University Has Honored Several Academic Staff Of The University

Today on Thursday, November 7, 2019, with the presence of Assistant Prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani, the President, the vice president and the faculty members of the university has honored more than 60 active faculties and academic staff of EPU for the Achievements they have received for database Quality assurance process in the academic year of 2018-2019.

It is worth to be mentioned that this ceremony has been arranged by the responsible and committee members of the quality assurance of EPU.

Erbil Polytechnic University Has Held A Workshop About Internationalization And Sustainability Of Higher Education

Today on 11th of November, 2019, Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) has conducted a two hours workshop about “Internationalization and Sustainability of Higher Education”. This workshop is presented by Professor Dr.Majid Hashimipour, the Vice President of Cyprus International University who concentrated on the sustainability of higher education, energy saving. He also discussed how to improve the ranking of the university and recruitment and international students. During the workshop, he showed some of the samples that the students collaboratively worked on to make the campus environmentally friendly and reduce wastage.