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Erbil Polytechnic University And UTHM Of Malaysia Together Have Managed An International Conference

On Tuesday 4th of February, 2020 Under the observation of Dr. Aram Muhamad Qadir Minister of Higher Education for Scientific Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani the president of EPU, Dr. Amanj Abdulla the Representative of Ministry of Higher Education for Scientific Affairs, the president of Salahadin University, the president of Tishk International University, several parliament members, official governmental Staff, political parties members and academic staff of the universities held the second international conference under the title of “Social Transformation and Regional Development” at Cultural Center Conference Hall of EPU which will last for two days.

In the beginning, the attendees stood one moment to honor the spirits of martyrs while listening to the national Kurdistan anthem “Ai Raqib.” Later, the president of EPU delivered a speech, in which he warmly welcomed the guests and the delegation of UTHM of Malaysia and various other universities. Concerning the conference, he said, “This conference is so crucial for Kurdistan Region because it is a multi-religious and multi-cultural country. One of the vital purposes of this conference is to internationalize EPU and introduce it to the world, also to build an academic and scientific relationship with the international universities and establishments. In his statement, he announced that next year’s conference would be delivered in Malaysia or Indonesia.

After that, Dr. Amanj Abdulla presented a statement on behalf of the Minister of Higher Education for Scientific Affairs. He said, “Such a conference has a significant role in developing the universities of Kurdistan upon regional and international levels, especially EPU has expanded its academic relation with Iraqi and foreign universities; also, EPU progressed in scientific fields. That is why we feel honored to observe such sustainable development and the noticeable progress of Erbil Polytechnic University.

This conference continue for two days, which is sponsored by the media channel Tv. of Kurdistan 24 and Karwanchi Group. More than 150 researchers present their researches in the English language and 17 researchers in Kurdish and Arabic languages in the humanitarian, administrative, and social fields. The English researches will get published in Scopus, and the other Kurdish and Arabic researches will going to be published in trustworthy internal magazines.

On the first and the second day of the conference, most of the researchers delivered their researches which then they discussed them with national and international academic attendees.

In the end, his Excellency Asst. Prof. Dr. kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani and the representative of UTHM honored the researchers with certificates signed by both EPU and UTHM academic staff.

Erbil Polytechnic University and European Academic in Italy Signed a Memorandum of Understanding

On the 5th of February, 2020, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani, the Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University and Dr. Steven Shnaidbor, the Representative of European Academic for Research in Italy, Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the Scientific Study Center.

The MOU is a significant scientific step for EPU towards internationalization and to be introduced to the outside world, moreover to make researchers and students of EPU get huge benefits from such events. It targets several various vital points, like providing an opportunity for researchers of both parties to do mutual researches, Post-doctorate for academic staff, and training the students of higher education in different fields to raise their scientific level.

Another vital purpose of signing this MOU is to offer a mutual proposal to European Union to financially support various sectors of higher education in the Kurdistan Region. For this reason, it is supposed that a delegation of our university will visit the mentioned academia in the nearest future to tackle the content of the MOU.

Erbil Polytechnic University Activates Bologna Process System On Its Website

Today 29th of January, 2020, in a celebration, Erbil Polytechnic University started formally to activate the ECTS System of Bologna Process on its website. The university’s Rector, his assistants, Supervisors, and the committees implementing this system have attended this event.

At the beginning of the ceremony, his Excellency, the Assist Professor Dr.Kawa Sherwani, delivered his statement in front of the attendees. He expressed his gratitude and appreciation towards the committee that established and implemented the ECTS system for their outstanding efforts. Then, he said, “I introduce this system as a domestic one because our university IT staff, designers, and graphics have worked hard as a team to organize the mentioned system; due to this, they deserve to get rewarded.”

The Rector of EPU continued his speech and said, “The Bologna system is essential, especially for raising our university’s academic and scientific level. Also, to develop the electronic system in publishing the academic research, the instructors’ reports, students’ lectures, and their credits will affect the university’ ranking nationally and internationally.”

In this celebration, Mr. Nihad, the manager of IT and Communication at the EPU and the head of the committee of implementing the ECTS database system, presented a speech. He said, “The database system of ECTE has plenty of benefits because by applying Bologna process much facilitation will be done for the departments of the university and the departments of the colleges and institutes to be able to do their works easily on this new system.”

Also, Mr. Nihad clarified that the ECTS system cares about transparency amongst teachers and students. For example, this system makes the instructors use workloads for the students at the beginning of the studying semester and distribute them accordingly. Such away, from the beginning of the academic year, the students will realize the plan and resources of their studying, and can see their degrees.”

At the end of this event, the Rector of the EPU rewarded 32 members of the ECTS system implementation Committee, and he also awarded the talented students. They have excellent information technology skills as they voluntarily served the colleges and institutes in the past years.

The Presidency of Erbil Polytechnic University received the Head of International Universities Council of Turkey

Today, on the 7th of January 8, 2020, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkarim Sherwani, the president of Erbil Polytechnic University warmly welcomed Orhan Hikmat Aziz Oghlo, the Head of the International Universities Council in Turkey and his delegation.

In this meeting, the assistant of the president for Scientific Affairs, the dean of Erbil Technical Engineering College, the dean of Erbil Technical Medical Institute, the head of Scientific Council EPU, and the head of Grant and Fund Raising in International Office of EPU attended the session. They tackled the upcoming year’s academic affairs of the council, and they decided to hold a meeting in this for this purpose.

It is worth to be mentioned that his Excellency Asst. Prof Dr. Kawa Sherwani is the Head of the Academic Committee of International Universities Council. At the end of this session, both EPU President and the Head of ICU exchanged the souvenirs of both sides.