On Tuesday 4th of February, 2020 Under the observation of Dr. Aram Muhamad Qadir Minister of Higher Education for Scientific Affairs, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani the president of EPU, Dr. Amanj Abdulla the Representative of Ministry of Higher Education for Scientific Affairs, the president of Salahadin University, the president of Tishk International University, several parliament members, official governmental Staff, political parties members and academic staff of the universities held the second international conference under the title of “Social Transformation and Regional Development” at Cultural Center Conference Hall of EPU which will last for two days.

In the beginning, the attendees stood one moment to honor the spirits of martyrs while listening to the national Kurdistan anthem “Ai Raqib.” Later, the president of EPU delivered a speech, in which he warmly welcomed the guests and the delegation of UTHM of Malaysia and various other universities. Concerning the conference, he said, “This conference is so crucial for Kurdistan Region because it is a multi-religious and multi-cultural country. One of the vital purposes of this conference is to internationalize EPU and introduce it to the world, also to build an academic and scientific relationship with the international universities and establishments. In his statement, he announced that next year’s conference would be delivered in Malaysia or Indonesia.

After that, Dr. Amanj Abdulla presented a statement on behalf of the Minister of Higher Education for Scientific Affairs. He said, “Such a conference has a significant role in developing the universities of Kurdistan upon regional and international levels, especially EPU has expanded its academic relation with Iraqi and foreign universities; also, EPU progressed in scientific fields. That is why we feel honored to observe such sustainable development and the noticeable progress of Erbil Polytechnic University.

This conference continue for two days, which is sponsored by the media channel Tv. of Kurdistan 24 and Karwanchi Group. More than 150 researchers present their researches in the English language and 17 researchers in Kurdish and Arabic languages in the humanitarian, administrative, and social fields. The English researches will get published in Scopus, and the other Kurdish and Arabic researches will going to be published in trustworthy internal magazines.

On the first and the second day of the conference, most of the researchers delivered their researches which then they discussed them with national and international academic attendees.

In the end, his Excellency Asst. Prof. Dr. kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani and the representative of UTHM honored the researchers with certificates signed by both EPU and UTHM academic staff.