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Academic staff of Erbil Polytechnic University Wins a Golden Medal In An International Conference For His Scientific Innovation

On  10-12th of 12, 2020, Dr.Hemn Kakakhan Awla, a member of the Council of University and the General Director of the Scientific Research Center of Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU), participated in a Scientific International Conference under the title of “2020 Kaohsiung International Invention  Design Expo, KIDE” at South Korean country. He had been awarded top one and a gold medal due to recognition in excellent invention/innovation of “BLASTBURSTER RS4”.

In an interview with the EPU website, Dr. Hemn said, “The Conference was about innovation in different fields, and we attended it with innovation in plant sickness treatment. Thanks to the Holly God, we obtained the top one, which is considered an important achievement to our university and me.”

Erbil Polytechnic University and Al-furat- al-awsat Technical University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding

On Thursday 17th of December 2020, Erbil Polytechnic University and Al-furat- al-awsat Technical University held a meeting at the Presidency of the Erbil Polytechnic University with the presence of the Council Members of both universities.

This meeting was headed by the Rector Assistant for Administration and Finance Affairs Asst. Prof. Dr. Jawdat Jaafar Khatab and the President of Al-furat- al-awsat Technical University, Prof. Dr. Mudhafar Sadeq Al-Zahiri. After discussing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) points and details, they signed it.

After finishing the meeting between both university councils, both university representatives signed the MOU. This MOU includes Scientific and administrative issues such as the exchange and development of their academic staff and students to benefit from each other’s experience to develop the scientific level of the lecturers and the students of both universities.

The Presidency Of The Erbil Polytechnic University… Celebration Of Signing Opening Project Of The First Orthotics And Prosthetics Scientific Department

On Thursday 10th of December 2020, the presidency of the Erbil Polytechnic University celebrated the opening of the first scientific department of Orthotics and Prosthetics.

At the beginning of the celebration, the Rector of the EPU, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani delivered his statement in which he welcomed the Iraqi Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry Representative, Dr. Ihab, the Kurdistan Region Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry Representative, Dr. Mohammed Kalari, the Head of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), Mr. Hisham Al-Wadudi, the Iraqi and KRG Health Ministry Representatives, and other attendees. Then, his Excellency expressed his gratitude and appreciation towards both Iraqi and Kurdistan Region Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry Representatives for their collaboration and cooperation in opening this great project that will effectively impact  Iraq and Kurdistan region. He also said, “We feel proud of our university because we could open the first scientific department of Orthotics and Prosthetics in the whole Iraq and Kurdistan Region. We will work hard to succeed in this fruitful project.”

Then, the Kurdistan Region Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry Representative, Dr. Mohammed Kalari, presented a speech. He said: “This project is essential for our country that is why I congratulate the EPU Rector for their amazing work, and we as the ministry will completely support such project.” after that, both the Head of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and the KRG Health Ministry Representative delivered their speech.

This project is an agreement amongst the ICRC, the Iraqi Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry, the Kurdistan Region Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry, The Iraqi Health and Environment Ministry, and the Kurdistan Region Health Ministry that will implement in the Erbil Polytechnic University/ Erbil Technical Health College.

It is worth mentioning; this project will receive four years of funding from ICRC, then they will renew it accordingly. For this reason, nineteen students will be accepted to study in this department who are the staff of the Higher Education and Scientific Research Ministry, the Health Ministry, the Defense Ministry of Iraq, and the Kurdistan Region.

A delegation of Academic Staff of EPU participated in a workshop in Turkey

A group of an academic staff of Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) headed by Professor Assistant Dr. Kawa Sherwani, the Rector of EPU, and a delegation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research led by Dr. Muhamad Hussein Kalari, the General Director of Supervision and Quality Control, attended a workshop supervised by the SPARK organization.

The development of the workshop has continued from 26-29th of November 2020 in Istanbul, Turkey. It includes the Higher Education Program, getting familiar with the Bologna process, internationalizing the universities, the history of the education system in the world, and changes that occurred by globalization.

It is worth to be mentioned that both Erbil polytechnic University and Mosul University have a mutual interest in the Bologna program. The Spark organization prepares this program, and several experts from Turkey and Holland joined it.