Author Archives: admin

Conflict Intersection Funded Project in Collaboration with the University of Edinburgh (Scotland)

Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU), in collaboration with ten universities, organizations, and research centers, has been awarded a global challenge research fund by the UK government. This fund has been applied by the University of Edinburgh in Scotland to provide better health in food security in fragile and conflict-affected states. The partners include the University of Edinburgh (leading partner), Council for at Risk Academy (CARA) in the UK, Syrian Academic Expertise for Agriculture and Food Security (SAE-AFS), University of Aberdeen (Scotland), University of Kent (UK), Development Workshop (Turkey), Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (Turkey), Çukurova University (Turkey), Waterwhelm (Scotland) and Yarmouk University (Jordan).

The Food Security Intelligence and Evidence-based Interventions for Local Sustainable Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected States (FIELD) network aim to improve long-term resilience measures and preparedness for Planetary Health (food, health, and environmental) security threats through the creation of an expert information ecosystem that is appropriate for the states.

Obtaining funds and grants are a huge part of the internationalization strategy of the university. The university, through its five technical colleges and seven institutes, has the expertise in the fields of agriculture, health, food, and environment to collaborate and facilitate with the partner university in this project. Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Omar Yassen, Head of Cultural Relations in the International Relations Office at EPU, is the coordinator of this project. The EPU will provide input into the research and development workshops. This work will be done in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Boden and her colleagues from the University of Edinburgh who will strengthen research capacities amongst the Syrian researchers and their connections to key decision-makers amongst international respondents to the Syrian crisis and different fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS).

This funding will be used to solidify a network of expertise and build on previous works to develop a roundtable meeting. The EPU will host three workshops and co-develop a research agenda that is agile enough to respond to emerging food, health, and environmental threats.

For more details on the project, please click on

Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU) Offers International English Language Course in Collaboration with Imperial English UK (IEUK)

After signing the international agreement, the EPU has received the certification of authorization, which has been approved as “an approved Imperial English UK Academy partnership.” EPU and IEUK jointly offer English language courses for first-year undergraduate students for the second semester 2020-2021.

The course aims to enhance students’ English language skills, improve their communication, and prepare them for the job market. By joining the course, the students will receive equal ECTS for joining the course, which will replace the general English module on their curricula. By the end of the course and after meeting the requirements, students will receive an internationally recognized certificate, world-class material, and experienced tutors. The course is designed through blended learning by integrating virtual knowledge through applications that can be accessed on iPad and laptop and face-to-face interaction in the classroom. It is a groundbreaking step by the EPU to enhance its internationalization strategy to pave the way for the students to access higher education globally.

IEUK is a trusted British brand in English language learning and teaching that pioneers digital learning in the English language and collaborates with several international organizations to provide quality English language general and academic courses in three levels of elementary, intermediate, and advanced. The IEUK is accredited by a UK government approval body (regulated by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulations).

For further information, please visit our website:

If you require further information and if you would like to register for the course, please contact us via email: [email protected] or contact the head of your department in the college.

Erbil Polytechnic University fulfills The Project Management Course for The Peshmerga Ministry Officers

On Monday 21st of December 2020, in the Language Center/Reform Directorate of the Peshmerga Ministry with the Presence of the EPU Rector Assistant, Dr.  Nageb Toma Bato, Commander Brigade Karzan Property and Planning Director of the Ministry, brigadier general Hazhar the Ministry Collaboration and Relations Director, Brigade Dler Miran Reform Director, Colonel Nogradi, the German Commander in Iraq and Kurdistan Region, Lieutenant Eve the German Military Counselor and the Reform Team Head of the Peshmerga Ministry, and the training course supervisors (Asst. Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah and Dr. Abdullah Omer Yassin) completed the course.

Within the mutual projects between the Peshmerga Ministry and the Erbil Polytechnic University, the Project management training course has been fulfilled in collaboration and support of the Coalition Forces. This course continued for about two weeks in which 30 Peshmerga Ministry officers have been rewarded with the certificate of participation.

They also decided to continue presenting some other training courses to make other officers get benefit from them.

The EPU Rector Awards Honorary Certificate To Several Lecturers And Researchers Who Own A Vast Number Google Scholar Citation

On Monday 21st of December 2020, in the Conference Hall of the presidency, the EPU Rector Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani rewarded Honorary Certificate to 30 Lecturers and researchers with many Google Scholar Citation.

At the beginning of the ceremony, his Excellency Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani delivered a speech in which he congratulated those lecturers who own the most significant number of Google Scholar Citation on the university level. He said, “such a high level of the Google Scholar Citation is a great gain for our university. Those who scored high Google Scholar Citation have a vast benefit for their fame as researchers in the university; this is why I as the university’s Rector will continue supporting you and wish you to continue on this path”.

Then, the EPU Rector asked the lectures and the researchers if they have any suggestion or comment they can raise it and encourage other lecturers to do researches. Several instructors and researchers shed light on their proposals that were received and welcomed by the Rector. He urged special committees to consider these suggestions and implement them according to instructions.

In the end, they rewarded the winners of the Google Scholar Citation.

On Monday 21st of December 2020, in the Conference Hall of the presidency, the EPU Rector Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani rewarded Honorary Certificate to 30 Lecturers and researchers with a massive number of Google Scholar Citation.

At the beginning of the ceremony, his Excellency Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani delivered a speech in which he congratulated these lecturers who own the most significant number of Google Scholar Citation on the university level. He said, “such a high level of the Google Scholar Citation is a great gain for our university. Those who scored high Google Scholar Citation have a vast benefit for their own fame as researchers, and for the university, this is why I as the Rector of the university will continue supporting you and wish you to continue on this path”.

Then, the EPU Rector asked the lectures and the researchers if they have any suggestion or comment they can raise it and encourage other lecturers to do researches. Several instructors and researchers shed light on their proposals that were received and welcomed by the Rector. He urged special committees to consider these suggestions and implement them according to instructions.

In the end, they rewarded the winners of the Google Scholar Citation.