Erbil Polytechnic University (EPU), in collaboration with ten universities, organizations, and research centers, has been awarded a global challenge research fund by the UK government. This fund has been applied by the University of Edinburgh in Scotland to provide better health in food security in fragile and conflict-affected states. The partners include the University of Edinburgh (leading partner), Council for at Risk Academy (CARA) in the UK, Syrian Academic Expertise for Agriculture and Food Security (SAE-AFS), University of Aberdeen (Scotland), University of Kent (UK), Development Workshop (Turkey), Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (Turkey), Çukurova University (Turkey), Waterwhelm (Scotland) and Yarmouk University (Jordan).
The Food Security Intelligence and Evidence-based Interventions for Local Sustainable Development in Fragile and Conflict-affected States (FIELD) network aim to improve long-term resilience measures and preparedness for Planetary Health (food, health, and environmental) security threats through the creation of an expert information ecosystem that is appropriate for the states.

Obtaining funds and grants are a huge part of the internationalization strategy of the university. The university, through its five technical colleges and seven institutes, has the expertise in the fields of agriculture, health, food, and environment to collaborate and facilitate with the partner university in this project. Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Omar Yassen, Head of Cultural Relations in the International Relations Office at EPU, is the coordinator of this project. The EPU will provide input into the research and development workshops. This work will be done in collaboration with Dr. Lisa Boden and her colleagues from the University of Edinburgh who will strengthen research capacities amongst the Syrian researchers and their connections to key decision-makers amongst international respondents to the Syrian crisis and different fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS).
This funding will be used to solidify a network of expertise and build on previous works to develop a roundtable meeting. The EPU will host three workshops and co-develop a research agenda that is agile enough to respond to emerging food, health, and environmental threats.
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