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English Language Lecturers Of The EPU Completed A The British TESOL Training Programme

Aiming at developing English language curriculum and pedagogy, the International Relations Office at Erbil Polytechnic University, in collaboration with the Imperial English UK (IEUK), has organized a virtual TESOL training for English language lecturers at the university from 25th January to 4th February 2021. The training highlighted lesson planning and classroom management themes, assessment, teaching grammar and vocabularies, speaking and writing, listening and reading; besides, academic English, language awareness, materials investigation, teaching large classes, and world English. British TESOL experts delivered the training at British academic institutions. Many ideas and experiences have been shared, and the lecturers have been given appropriate time to conduct a self-study and reflect on the subjects of each session. After successfully completing the training and self-study, the lecturers are given British TESOL certificates issued by the IEUK.

The TESOL training is part of the international agreement between EPU and IEUK, a trusted British brand in English language learning and teaching pioneering digital learning in the English language and is accredited by a UK government approval body (regulated by Ofqual). In the current academic year, the EPU has started offering IEUK courses to first-year students in the technical colleges to bring in international quality of English language, enhance students’ skills, improve their communication and prepare them for the job market.

EPU Arranges An Honorary Ceremony For Rewarding Top One Students And Supervisors Of The Scientific Conference Of The Students (Covid 19 From Confrontation to Opportunity)

On Thursday 11th of February, 2021, the Presidency of Erbil Polytechnic University, with the Rector of the EPU’s presence, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani honored the supervisors and the students who were top one in the scientific conference of the students, under the name of (Covid-19 from Confrontation to Opportunity) at the Conference Hall of the |EPU.

At the beginning of the conference, his Excellency Dr. Kawa Sherwani delivered a speech in which he welcomed the guests, lecturers, and students. He Said: “We are so happy to honor and reward the supervisors and the students who participated in the first scientific conference of the students. I want to express my warm gratitude towards the students and the supervisors of this fruitful event and to thank the higher committee for arranging this conference. And also would like to thank the sector committees of our university like: Agriculture Sector, Engineering and Technology Sector Committee, Health Sector Committee, Administration Sector Committee, and the dean, the head of the departments, and the supervising lecturers. Finally, I want to thank all those who left their fingerprints by doing great works in this pandemic situation.”

In another part of his statement, Dr. Kawa appreciated students’ efforts in offering excellent projects and researches, and he announced that his assistant for students affairs, Assist. Prof. Dr. Yousif Mustafa Rasul has already started to supervise and prepare for the second scientific conference of the students.

At the end of the ceremony, the Rector of the EPU, his assistants, and the guests awarded the top students and the conference supervisors with an honorary certificate.

It is worth to be mentioned that the Conference of “Covid-19 from Confrontation to Opportunity” continued from 16 to 18th of August, 2020, with attendance of 100 pieces of research in the fields of agriculture, Technology, Engineering, Medical, and administration, which were prepared by the students of the colleges and the institutes of the EPU. At the end of the conference, they selected the best researches which were evaluated and nominated, then they have been rewarded at this ceremony.

Erbil Polytechnic University Achieves Another Success At The Last Webometrics Ranking Of World Universities

At the world universities ranking, Erbil Polytechnic University reached the top 3572 in the last ranking of worldwide institutions. This is a big step in the scientific progress amongst the universities of Kurdistan Region and Iraq.

For this great achievement, the EPU Rector assist. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani congratulated the University Council, researchers, lecturers, employees, and students of the EPU; despite the hard economic situation and the pandemic Covid-19, they could raise the scientific and academic level of the university. He hoped that EPU continues developing towards greater success.

Compared to the last Webometrics Ranking of the World Universities of July 2020, this year, the Erbil Polytechnic University could reach 3572.  The  EPU from the 17368 rankings rose to 13796, in which the EPU is top 44 among 112 universities in Iraq. Amongst public and private universities of the Kurdistan Region, which are 30 universities, our university is in the top 14, and among 15 public universities, the EPU is in the top 11.

The Council of the Erbil Polytechnic University held its regular meeting

On Thursday 4th of February, 2021, the university’s council conducted its meeting with the presence of the Rector of the EPU Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani, the council members, and the president of IUC, Prof. Dr. Orhan Hikmet Aziz Oghlo.

In this meeting, they discussed the students’ administrative and scientific affairs, and they also talked about some other issues in which they made some decisions.