On Wednesday, 17th of March, 2021, Assist Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkarim Sherwani, the Rector of EPU, and Dr. Khalid Muhammad, Arab Union for Development and Environment Representative, signed a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the Erbil Polytechnic University.
The aim behind signing the MOU is to strengthen our university and Arabic countries’ relationship in education, private research regarding environment protection, and human resources.
At the time of signing the MOU, Dr. Nageb Toma Bato, the Rector Assistant for Scientific Affairs, Assist.Prof. Dr. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah, the Director of the International Relations Office, and Mr.Kovan Omer Hassan, the Director of Curriculum Development, attended the meeting.
To celebrate the Kurdistan March Rising Memories of 1991, Erbil Polytechnic University opened a Football League for the morning and evening shift students of Khabat Technical Institute. In this league, five teams participated. The Khabat Technical Institute Dean Assistant and instructors attended this final game of the league.
On the 9th of March 2021, the final game was played by Second and First-Year Students of the Law Administration Department, who scored 3-1 galls. They became the champion of this league, and they have been rewarded by the Khabat Technical Institute Dean Assistant, lecturers, and the Students Union of Kurdistan.
On Sunday 31th of January 2021, the Rector of the EPU, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani, the Assistant of the Rector for Administrative and Financial Affairs Dr. Jawdat Jaafar Khattab, the Director of the Scientific Affairs Dr. Heshu Rebwar, and the Director of the Curriculum Development, Mr. Kovan Omar Hassan, visited the Erbil Technical Administration College. The purpose of this visit is to be aware of the quality of examination inside the exam rooms.
The Dean of the Erbil Technical Administration College, Asst. Prof. Dr. Azad Ahmed Mahmud, the Dean Assistant, and the head of the departments, warmly welcomed the Rector and his companions. After discussing the exam status and the problems and how to solve them, they visited the exam halls.
On Wednesday 24th of February, 2021 Erbil Polytechnic University and Tishk International University have held 7th international Engineering Conference which will continue for two days. Assist. Prof. Dr.Kawa Abdulkarim Sherwani, the Rector of EPU, Dr. Idris Hadi Salih, the president of TISHK International University and and a number of academic specialists and scientific researchers attended the conference.
At the beginning of the conference Dr. Idris Hadi Salih delivered a speech, and then the Rector of EPU performed a statement. His Excellency Assist. Prof. Dr. Kawa Sherwani started his speech by saying: “It is my great pleasure to launch the 7th International Engineering Conference in collaboration with TISHK International University. We are delighted to welcome the representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Dear colleagues, since 2014, we have annually held conference with our colleagues from Faculty of Engineering at TISHK International University. Our partnership has strengthened throughout the years. We have provided the platform for local researchers and international academics to present their innovative research. The conference has provided great networking among participants.
He continued his speech and said: “Although COVID-19 has changed the way of life and has impacted the education sector most and created challenging tasks, we have responded and adapted to overcome these challenges through sharing knowledge via virtual platforms in order to overcome the social distancing that exists. This conference, precisely, serves this purpose by brining together 113 academics and researchers from 37 academic institutions and organisations in 10 different countries to share knowledge in the field of engineering. To reflect this difficult time, the conference is themed (Research & Innovation Amid Global Pandemic) . The accepted papers are published in the Polytechnic Journal and Eurasian Journal of Science and Engineering. We have received 65 papers after blind reviewing by two members, only 46 met the conference requirements.”
It is the vision of Erbil Polytechnic University to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and to enhance its ranking and improve the quality of research. Organising conferences is part of the EPU’s strategy towards internationalisation and globalisation. This leads to enhancement of quality of life, better services for the community and addressing social problems.
At the end of his speech, the Rector of EPU said: “I would like once again to warmly welcome everyone and I hope we are having a productive and fruitful two days of scientific discussions and networking. I would like also to mention my gratitude to the members of the organising committee for their excellent team spirit and cooperation. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to everyone of you who has worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this conference. I wish you all a fruitful two days.”
It is worth to be mentioned that this conference will continue for two days on the days 24 and 25/02/2021, with the attendance of 113 academics and researchers from 37 academic institutions and organisations in 10 different countries to share knowledge in the field of engineering.