To shed light on continuous scientific activities at the Erbil Polytechnic University, on Sunday morning 20th of June 2021, the Information Technology and Communication Department of the Erbil Technology College opened a training course for the technical staff. This course is conducted at the college campus under the title “Modern Technology Perspective for Workshops.”
This course is held under the scientific supervision of the Erbil Technology College Dean Assistant Mr. Haval Ahmed and the Head of the Information Technology and Communication Department, Mr. Salar Ahmed. The training course participants are the staff of the mentioned department who will benefit from using advanced global technology and the last versions of progressed technology.
This training course will continue for eight days that takes three hours. At the end of the training, the attendees will receive the Certification of Participation.
Today 6th of June, 2020, the Rector of the EPU Asst. Dr. Kawa Abdulkareem Sherwani in the EPU Conference Hall rewarded students who completed the fourth cohort of the Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge (Virtual Reality Training Course), which started from 16/02/2021 till 27/04/2021.
Today’s event was a part of the university’s international strategy to enhance student’s cultural exchange in Iraq and worldwide. Four teams of the EPU participated; two of them were participants of the Erbil Technical Administration College supervised and facilitated by Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Omar Yassen and the Community College from the U.S.A., which is also collaborated by another community college in the U.S.A. Dr. Talib Sherwani from Soran Technical Institute, facilitated another team. In addition, IREX supervised another Global Solutions Conversation program to encourage students to communicate global issues and exchange ideas virtually between our students and the U.S.A. Community Colleges students, two teams participated in this group conversation who were Koya Technical Institute students supervised by Dr. Rawshan Othman Ali and Mr. Omer Hassan Bashir.
Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge has provided EPU students with the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to adapt to today’s workforce while allowing them to engage in cultural exchange with partners from around the world and their communities. Erbil Polytechnic University is one of the three universities in Iraq that are part of this international program.
It is worth to be mentioned that Global Solutions is funded by the Stevens Initiative, which the U.S. Department of State sponsors, with funding provided by the U.S. Government, which is administered by the Aspen Institute and implemented by IREX and in collaboration with several universities in Iraq, Jordan and community colleges in the U.S.A.
Erbil Technical Engineering College will present a series of training courses in different fields. The first session of the training course will be delivered on Sunday 6th of June 2021 at 09:00 AM-05:00 PM at the Erbil Technical Engineering College, Highway Engineering Department under the title “Highway Engineering Technology and Scientific Research Tools.” The other training courses will be held during the upcoming days. To know the detail of the training courses, kindly see the timeline mentioned in the following.
Highway Engineering Department
Training Sessions
Start Date: Sunday 6/6/2021
General title: Highway Engineering Technology and Scientific Research Tools
First Session
Date: 6/6/2021, Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Topic Name: From statistics to machine learning, from machine learning to artificial intelligence
Objectives: discover the topics in statistics that you need to know. A foundation in statistics is required to be effective as a machine learning practitioner.
Lecturer Name: Lecturer Dr. Diyar Jamal Dhannoon
Training Location: Highway Engineering Department
Second Session
Date: 7/6/2021, Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Topic Name: A case study to publish a paper in high impact factor journals
Objectives: In this training session, the presenter will try to avoid focusing on the theoretical guides regarding the publications. Accordingly, a case study will be considered in order to show some practical and pragmatic ways to publish papers in high-impact factor journals.
Lecturer Name: Lecturer Dr. Hawreen H. Ahmed
Training Location: Highway Engineering Department
Third Session
Date: 8/6/2021, Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Topic Name: Implementation of civil 3d into relevant highway researches
Objectives: input survey data to design highway geometric design and check designed curves on the highway.
Lecturer Name: Assistance Lecturer Mr. Razhan Sherwan M.Salem
Training Location: Highway Engineering Department
Civil Engineering Techniques Department
Training Sessions
Start Day: Sunday 13 / 6 /2021
General title: Advance information about Zoom meeting, and Moodle platform.
Day 1 13 / 6 /2021 Time: 9:00AM – 5:00 PM
Topic Name: Introduction to Moodle Platform + Introduction to Zoom meeting +
Tips and Tricks about zoom meeting, and Moodle software.
Objectives: Learning about Moodle platform, facilities, and what is zoom and how does it work.
Achieve information about zoom facilities and Moodle tools.
Topic Name: How to add activities, resources, and Assignments in Moodle by teachers.
Objectives: Learn to add necessary activities, resources, and create suitable assignments in Moodle by teachers for Students, plus how to grade assignments.
Topic: Guidance to write effective title, Abstract and graphical abstract for research papers
Objectives: Learning how to write strong, attractive, and effective abstracts and titles for research articles to achieve a fast publication in high-impact factor journals.
Topic Name: Most obvious reasons why Elsevier rejects your articles?
Objectives: Learn About the most common mistakes why Elsevier journals reject submitted manuscripts. Why most submitted papers cannot find their way for publication in Elsevier journals despite having good results and outstanding researchers spent too much time preparing them? This training helps researchers to overcome these challenges and avoid such obvious mistakes which lead to rejection (sometimes desk rejection)?
Topic Name: Most obvious reasons why Elsevier rejects your articles?
Objectives: Learn About the most common mistakes why Elsevier journals reject submitted manuscripts. Why most submitted papers cannot find their way for publication in Elsevier journals despite having good results and outstanding researchers spent too much time preparing them? This training helps researchers to overcome these challenges and avoid such obvious mistakes which lead to rejection (sometimes desk rejection)?
Day 1 : 20/6/2021, Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Topic Name: How to geo-reference images in ArcGIS
Objectives: Georeferencing is the name given to the process of transforming a scanned map or aerial photograph so it appears “in place” in GIS. By associating features on the scanned image with real-world x and y coordinates, the software can progressively warp the image so it fits other spatial datasets.
Lecturer Name: Assist. Lecturer Karwan M. MUHEDEN
Training Location: Information System Engineering Department (LAB))
Day 2: 21/6/2021, Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Topic Name: Manage Multiple Items in the Catalog Contents Panel
Objectives: As an Esri technology user, you probably already know that ArcMap includes a Catalog window you can use to organize and manage various types of geographic information: data, maps, models, and toolboxes. But did you know that you can change the Catalog window display to include a Contents Panel so you can manage multiple items at one time
Lecturer Name: Assist. Lecturer Karwan M. MUHEDEN
Training Location: Information System Engineering Department (LAB)
Day 3: 22/6/2021, Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Topic Name: Map Design
Objectives: input survey data to design highway geometric design and check designed curves on the highway.
Objectives Maps are interactive, rewarding experiences, and not just pretty pictures. The most valuable maps are information products that are visually interesting from the first time you see them. Yet they reward you with additional information as you explore and interact with the map.
Lecturer Name: Assist. Lecturer Karwan M. MUHEDEN
Training Location: Information System Engineering Department (LAB)
On Saturday 5th of June, 2021, a number of the academic staff of the Erbil Polytechnic University, in collaboration with the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, will present an online Symposium about Food Security In Kurdistan Region.
For more information, please visit this link. To see the zoom code for participating in this event click on the pdf link below.