Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamed Tahir Harki, the Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University, welcomed Engineer Naz Jalal, the director of migration and refugees and crisis response in Erbil province, and Sahar Talib, the representative of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) in the Kurdistan Region, along with some of their staff. At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Azad Hassan Qadir, the Vice Rector for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Botan Majid Ahmed, the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education, Dr. Sarsam Khalil Shawani, the Dean of the Technical Administration College in Erbil, Dr. Hataw Karim, the Director of the Career Development Center, Dr. Abdullah Omer Yasin, the Director of International Relations, Mr. Behzad Helmi Hussein, the Director of the Rector’s Office, and Sarmand Hamid Nasreddin, the Director of Administration and Human Resources, were present.
Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamed Tahir Herki welcomed the guests and expressed his happiness about the visit of the director of migration and refugees and the representative of ICMPD to the university.The visiting team thanked the Rector for arranging the meeting. They also gave a brief explanation about their work and activities. They stated that the purpose of their visit was to coordinate a series of seminars at the university’s colleges and institutes. These seminars aimed to raise students’ awareness about the risks of illegal migration. Additionally, they planned to organize a special course on CV writing and job searching, which would be offered to university students to help them find jobs after graduation. They also requested to benefit from the experience and expertise of university professors in this field.The Rector confirmed his support for their ideas and initiatives. He emphasized that a university’s role is not only to educate students but also to help solve social problems and contribute to the community.He also mentioned that Erbil Polytechnic University had worked on similar projects before. Last year, they implemented a project to support refugees in the Kurdistan Region by offering special language courses to help them develop their skills.