Daily Archives: January 20, 2025

Special Honors

On Sunday, January 19, 2025, in the presence of the Dean of Erbil Technical College of Engineering, Prof. Ayad Zaki Saber and hosted and accompanied by the Assistant Dean of the College Mr. Bazian Younis Mohiuddin, the presence of the Director General of the Research Center Mr. Prof. Ranj Sirwan Abdullah and members of the new and previous college council Energy Mr. Prof. Ahmed Mohammed Adam and Head of the new Department of Mechanics and Energy Mr. Dilêr Obed Ramazan, Head of Roads Department, Mr. Bafrin Chalabi Ziro, former Head of Civil Department, Prof. Bahman Omar Taha, Head of New Civil Department, Dr. Kamran Sulaiman Ismail, Head of Information Systems Department Dr. Media Ali Ibrahim participated in this event organized by the Department of Engineering Mechanics and Energy With the efforts and hard work and organization of the department decision maker Mr. Zhian and in the presence of teachers and engineers of the department of mechanics and energy.
This special occasion was due to the exchange of the post of the head of the department that special congratulations and honors were given to Mr. Prof. Ahmad Mohammed Adam and the efforts and scientific and academic skills were appreciated by the dean of the college His work is faithful and patient Then, according to the participants and the former Dean of the College, Prof. Gaylan Ismail Hassan and others, the occasion was expanded and beautified. Y.D. Dilêr Obed Ramazan, the cooperation and support of everyone was reaffirmed for him and wished him success and the scientific process of the college will continue by the academic and administrative staff.