Yearly Archives: 2024


On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Prof. Idris Mohammed Tahir Harki, Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University, accompanied by Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Director of the Rector’s Office, visited Technical College of Engineering and Consultant Office Dean of the College Prof. Ayad Zaki Saber Agha, Vice Dean and officials of the college welcomed him.

Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participated in the symposium of Shaqlawa Technical College

Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute participated in the symposium of Shaqlawa Technical College.

Dean of Mergasor Technical Institute, participated as a panelist in the symposium (Cultural Exchange Online in Higher Education). He highlighted the importance of the Virtual Exchange program, which is the relationship and role of partnership in working together in the field of higher education with universities and other organizations in the world and how to communicate, and the role and importance of such programs. Create a successful partnership to internationalize the university, in which students and teachers benefit from science and economics, innovative ideas, familiarity with different cultures, and the development of skills in today’s era. Then he highlighted the successful experience of Mergasor Technical Institute which Became A Sister College with Porterville College in California by building relationships online.

It is worth mentioning that this symposium is a continuation of the work and activities of IREX, in which a group of students from Erbil Polytechnic University participated in an international activity alongside universities in Iraq, the United States, and Jordan for 8 weeks. The event, entitled Global Solutions Suitability Challenges, focused on finding a solution to a challenge by creating a product and introducing it to the labor market. The Erbil Polytechnic University-Shaqlawa Technical College team was able to maintain their stay and become the winner of the program at the Iraqi level, which was supervised by teachers (Sarwan Siddiq and Azhin Sabir) and under the supervision of Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif Omar in this program.

The Annual Festival of the Erbil Technical Administrative College Students was held in the presence of the Rector of the University

Today, Thursday, the 9th May, 2024, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, the annual festival of Kurdish culture was held in the Erbil Technical Administrative College.

In the festival the Vice Rectors, the University Council Members, the Heads of Departments and teachers were present. The Students of the Erbil Technical Administrative College displayed Kurdish clothes, Kurdish food and handicrafts, which were prepared by the students

The festival was arranged by the students of all four departments of Business Administration, Media Technique, Accounting Technique, International Marketing and Language at the Erbil Technical Administrative College.

Erbil Polytechnic University holds a seminar for Dr. Pshtiwan Sadiq, Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs

In the continuation of the activities of the cultural week of the university students, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the University, Dr. Pashtiwan Sadiq, the Minister of the Endowments and Religious Affairs of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), presented a seminar entitled “Latest Political Developments in the Kurdistan Region” for students of the Erbil Polytechnic University.

 At the beginning of the seminar where the Vice Rectors, several members of the University Council, academic staff, and students were available, Dr. Pashtiwan Sadiq, the Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, said: “I am very happy to be with you today. I express my warm gratitude to the Rector and members of the council for preparing to present this seminar. Today is a different day for me because I am with a group that is the future of Kurdistan.”

The Minister of Endowments said that the Kurdistan Regional Government attaches great importance to the education sector and students, in order to create an innovative and productive society through their knowledge.

In another part of the seminar, the minister said that the Kurdistan Region, in all fields has received great services and achievements. Only in the education sector and higher education, now have dozens of universities and colleges and thousands of schools. Therefore, rest assured that our future is very bright and Kurdistan will continue to develop, progress, prosperity and peace.

Dr. Pshtiwan Sadiq, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), said, “The Kurdistan Region is very strong in terms of political, diplomatic and international relations. Therefore, you students who are the future of this country should try to improve your knowledge and always look at this land with eyes full of love and respect, which was produced with the blood of thousands of martyrs.”

Later, the door of discussion was opened for the participants to ask questions and received necessary answers. Finally, Asst. Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the University, presented an award and a plaque to Dr. Pashtiwan Sadiq and warmly appreciated his efforts for presenting the seminar.