On Tuesday, the 14th of May, 2024, on the last day of the cultural week of university students under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, organized a seminar entitled (In the Perspective of Educational Stages) for Mr. Ahmad Kani, a university lecturer and member of the Central Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.
In the seminar, the Vice Rectors, members of the University Council, the Heads of Departments and many teachers and students were present.
At the beginning, Mr. Ahmad Kani thanked the Rector and began with an advice to the students: I am pleased today with you teachers and students, dear friends, loving your city and country has an effective influence and touch on your future.
Later, he gave several examples of inventions and efforts of scientists, including the life of Edison and his inventions, saying, “He is not a graduate of any university, he brought the world from darkness to light. There was no area left where he didn’t innovate. Once Edison Said: “I haven’t done anything by chance, but everything I have achieved is the result of continuous work and perseverance.”
By telling you this story I want to say, your progress is in your hands will start within you, not by your teacher, not by your environment, not on your country, your identity is the biggest thing you have. Future is not a vison or a dream but its your upcoming next stage of your life, your future. Teachers must forgive me for saying something against you and myself. Teachers are not meant to come on the stage and show themselves to students, but must literally give knowledge and information according to modern science, the philosophy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, beginning from the minister to the lecturers, our mission and duty is to serve education and and students.
The student must know what his job is towards the teacher and what his work program is. His eyes and mind must focus on the teachers and their lectures His work and character should be so beautiful that will have a huge positive reflection on teacher to create a great love and respect. He will not forget the love of those teachers until he dies.