Daily Archives: May 12, 2024

Erbil Polytechnic University and Knowledge University sign a memorandum of understanding

On Sunday, the 12th of May, 2024, Prof. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University received Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dizeyi, the President of Knowledge University and his accompanying delegation.

In the meeting, where the Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs and Higher Education and the Director of the Rector’s Office, discussions were held on further promoting and strengthening relations between the two universities in the field of science and students.

Another topic of the meeting was the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two sides that included several academic and scientific aspects, the most important of which was the admission of graduates of technical institutes of our university to continue their studies in the colleges of the named universities.

Erbil Medical Technical Institute arranged a ceremony on the occasion of World Nurses Day

On Sunday, the 12th of May, 2024, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University, the Erbil Medical Technical Institute organized a ceremony on the occasion of the World Nurses Day at the university presidency.

In a speech, the Rector congratulated all nurses in the world and Kurdistan on the occasion of this international day. For many services they provide to patients in health centers and considered them an important and influential section of society.

Then, Asst. Prof. Dr. Tiran Jamil Piro, the Dean of Erbil Medical Technical Institute, congratulated all nurses in the world and the Kurdistan Region for the important role they play in serving patients in hospitals.

In the same ceremony where the Vice Rectors, members of the University Council, Mr. Shakhawan Salim, the President of the Erbil Branch of the Health Workers Union, teachers, nurses and nursing students were present, a seminar on the work of nurses and first aid was presented by a teacher of Erbil Medical Technical Institute.

At the end of the ceremony, awards were presented to a number of nurses who play an important role in serving nurses and patients in hospitals.

Erbil Polytechnic University hosts a Peshmerga during Student Culture Week

Today, Sunday, the 12th of May, 2024, in the continuation of the activities of Students Culture Week, Erbil Polytechnic University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the University, arranged a seminar for Mr. Jamal Murtka What are the challenges and obstacles to having an independent entity?)

At the beginning of the seminar, where the Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University, his assistants, several members of the university council, heads of departments, teachers, employees and students were present, the presenter of the activity read a brief biography of Jamal Murtka.

Then, Mr. Jamal Murtka began to present the seminar and thanked the rector and council members for organizing the seminar and the participation of teachers, employees and students said: “I am pleased to meet with you in a seminar arranged by university teachers. I am pleased to be with you today, you are the future leaders of our nation and country, with you who carry the weight of the history of our national struggle. For many years, our ancestors have struggled, shed blood and protected the people and the country.

In the seminar, Mr. Jamal Murtka spoke about several important and historical stages of Kurdistan, the Kurdistan liberation movement and the Kurdistan struggle from the beginning of the formation of Iraq to the present stage and highlighted the influence of powerful countries on the failure of Kurdistan.

Then, the door of discussion was opened for the participants and they asked several questions that were answered by Mr. Jamal Murtak.

Later, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the University, thanked Mr. Jamal Murtka for delivering the seminar and presented an honorary award. In return, Mr. Jamal presented several books and works of his writings to the Rector and the Erbil Polytechnic University.


On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Prof. Idris Mohammed Tahir Harki, Rector of Erbil Polytechnic University, accompanied by Vice Rector for Administrative Affairs, Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Director of the Rector’s Office, visited Technical College of Engineering and Consultant Office Dean of the College Prof. Ayad Zaki Saber Agha, Vice Dean and officials of the college welcomed him.