Erbil Polytechnic University announces a unique opportunity for students to study for the winter semester at the University of Bielefeld in Germany

Within the framework of the strategy of internationalization of the Erbil Polytechnic University and continuing activities and student exchange, the Directorate of International Relations of our university offers the opportunity to study in the winter semester at the Bielefeld University in Germany according to the following conditions.


1- Applicants must be college students in the second or third grade in the departments of (Automotive, Marketing, Business Administration and Accounting).

2- Applicants must have at least B2 in English or German.

3- The deadline for applications will be Wednesday, April 14,

4- Students must bring a letter of support from their department to the International Relations Department of the University Presidency, indicating the name, department, grade, mobile number and email of the student and a photo of the student’s passport.


* All expenses will be borne by the student.

* Students must have a receipt to receive a visa.

*For application, please visit the Directorate of International Relations at the University Presidency.

Click here for more information.