On Thursday, the 13th of July, 2023, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamad Tahir Harki, the Rector of the Erbil Polytechnic University and the President of the Iraqi Branch of Toyota Japanese Company signed a memorandum of understanding.
In the ceremony, the Rector delivered a speech and said: “Such similar memoranda between the university and the private sector does not exist, but we as the Erbil Polytechnic University is the first university in the Middle East to find jobs directly for our graduates. And such memoranda of understanding are beneficial to both sides because our graduates get jobs and companies benefit from their talents.”
Then, the President of Toyota/Iraqi Branch said: “We have a concept of cooperating and participating in the development of Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and the purpose of such projects is to help in providing job opportunities for university graduates. We want to be the pioneer of all Japanese companies in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.”
Finally, the Rector invited the company to become a leader in the job seeking program that the Erbil Polytechnic University is currently working on. As a university, we want to ensure that our graduates do not think about government employment and get job opportunities in the private sector.
It is worth mentioning that the delegation of our university consisted of the Dean of the Erbil Technology College, the Head of Automotive Technical Department of the Erbil Technology College, the Directors of the International Relations Office, the Career Development Center and the Relations Coordinator between the university and the company.
The Memorandum of Understanding content between the Erbil Polytechnic University and the Toyota Company/Iraq:
- Providing some of the practical training requirements by the company.
- Training the teachers of automotive technical department in the Erbil Technology College in several technical fields of automotive.
- Providing internship opportunities for second year diploma students and third year bachelor’s students on an annual basis.
- Giving the information of the Automotive Department graduates to Toyota Company-Iraq to consider them for employment opportunities in the company according to the company’s procedures.
- Delivering e-training in the automotive technology field for the automotive department lecturers to be exclusive to the teachers of the department.