On Wednesday, the 8th of March, 2023, a number of activities were performed in the colleges and the institutes of the Erbil Polytechnic University on the occasion of the International Women’s Day. In the celebration, the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Edrees Mihamad Tahir Harki and several University Council Members were present.
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Erbil Medical Technical Institute organized an activity in the Conference Hall of the University Presidency. At the beginning, the Rector of the University delivered his statement in which he said: “We all enjoy this day and Happy March 8 to everyone. Ladies and gentlemen, if we briefly talk about how and why this day was celebrated, it dates back to 1857 when in the United States of America (U.S.A) for the first time a number of women working in a garment factory. They felt an injustice, which was discrimination between men and women. On a day like today, they held a demonstration to protest and demand their rights.
After that date, in the United States in 1907 and 1908 on March 8 was commemorated and demonstrations were held, then in Europe in 1911 with demonstrations and protests women demanded their rights. During the World War I in In 1913 and 1914, women demonstrated again on March 8, this time with the support of the Russian Communist Party. This continued every year until 1975, when the day was officially recognized by the United Nations as the International Women’s Day.
Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot spend Women’s Day just for fun. Women should take advantage of this day and make it a day to encourage themselves to believe in themselves and their rights.
Fortunately, the issue of women and women’s rights has progressed much better in the Kurdistan Region than in the countries around us, but we hope that it will progress much more than it is. Once again I congratulate you.”
Afterwards, three seminars were presented by the head of the department of Maternity and Women and the teachers of the department on the role and importance of women’s duties and patience in all spheres of life whether Working outside as teachers and employees, taking responsibility and carrying out tasks, or at home as mothers educating children and society.
Later, his Excellency the University Rector presented honorary certificate to the teachers of the department.
The second activity was performed in the Accounting Department of the Erbil Technical Administrative College, in which the university Rector, the Vice Rectors’ and the Dean of the College Dr. Azad Mr. Amin Lajani, the Head of the Aynda Regional Committee of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) were available. Then, they awarded the certificates of appreciation to the teachers, employees and women students. The Rector congratulated them on this day and wished them success and sustainable development. He described the role of women in the university as effective as it should be.