Erbil Polytechnic University celebrated Kurdistan Flag Day. At the beginning of the ceremony, where the Erbil Polytechnic University Rector, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamed Tahir Harki was present, Dr. Hoshmand Rafiq Ibrahim delivered a seminar, entitled “Kurdistan Flag, Identity and Dignity”.
In the seminar, Dr. Hoshmand Rafiq Ibrahim talked about the importance and sacredness of the Kurdistan flag, the historical assessment of the Kurdistan flag at the beginning and different stages of its formation, and the changes it has undergone until the establishment of its current form.
Then in a ceremony in which his excellency the University Rector Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamed Tahir Harki, the Head of Aso Regional Committee Dr. Lawand Osman, the Head of Ainda Regional Committee Mr. Amin Lajani, the Rector Assistants, and several members of the university council were available, the Kurdistan Flag was raised by three students of our university In a dignified and honorable manner.
In a statement, Prof. Dr. Edrees Muhamed Tahir Harki welcomed the participants and congratulated the organizing committee of the ceremony for their great work, meanwhile, he talked about the sacredness of the flag for our nation and assured the necessity to protect the dignity of the Kurdistan flag.
Then, the students’ Kurdistan Union Representative of our university Mr. Hussein Osman Tuvi presented a speech.
Later, Ms. Haifa, the Head of the Erbil Branch of the Kurdistan Flag Protection Agency, presented an honorary award to the Erbil Polytechnic University Rector, Prof. Dr. Edress Muhamed Tahir Harki for his valuable work on this day and direct supervision of these activities.