Daily Archives: May 10, 2022

Erbil Polytechnic University As Supporter Participated In Second International Conference on Education And Teaching

On Sunday 8th of May, 2022, the second international conference of Scientific Education and Teaching (ICET 2022) by several national and international establishments in collaboration with the Erbil Polytechnic University started its work.

The Mergasur Technical Institute Dean Dr. Talib Mohammed Sharif as the EPU Representative on “Learner Autonomy: Theories and Practices,” participated in the conference. In friendly teamwork, the EPU Representative with 39 other spokespeople from 29 different institutions delivered their subjects that were about education and teaching. The attendees were about 5000 people who registered from 66 different countries.

On the 9th of May 2022 at 1:00 PM, our university representative presented a topic about “Learner Autonomy: Theories and Practices” at the conference in which 155 lecturers, researchers, and academic people participated in several different countries.

About the Conference:

The International Conference on Education & Teaching in K-12 Schools (ICET) is a joint educational event organized by Sterling Schools, Cambridge University Press, City & Guilds, GEMS Education, and UK Teachers Academy. It intends to promote education and contribute to the development of the schools and teachers’ professional development in Iraq and KRI. ICET brings together teacher trainers, educational experts, and community leaders from the national and international communities.

ICET is being organized for the second time in 2022. Presentations in ICET are delivered in three languages: English, Arabic, and Kurdish.

The ICET 2022 Conference is arranged under the supervision of the Ministry of Education of the Kurdistan Region Government and the Ministry Of Education support in Iraq. Also, the British Embassy in Iraq and British Consulate General Erbil support this conference, and the Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC) is the leading conference partner.

The ICET conference was held in association and support of 24 national universities in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, including the Erbil Polytechnic University and three international institutions (London University, Character Organizer, and Broadlands Academy) that formally support the ICET Conference 2022.

ICET 2022 is a virtual event that brings together speakers and audiences from various locations. Presentations will be delivered virtually on the video conference platform. Its theme is “Empowering Schools in Preparing Students with Real Life Skills”.