On Thursday 23th of September 2021, Erbil Polytechnic University and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Erbil opened another training course of labor for several EPU alumni, which will continue for two months. The main aim of this course is to encourage and support youth to get jobs and carry out their own business to rely on themselves. For this purpose, all the participants will practically work on a trade project as one team.
The Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry sponsored this training course in collaboration with the Erbil Technical Administration College, supervised by Mr. Zaniar Jabar, lecturer of this college.
In the past four years, such courses were sponsored by U.S General Consulate Erbil, IREX International Organization despite the Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Plan Organization, Rebaz Foundation, and Book Café.
Participation in this program is free of charge. Many of the past attendees of this program are now businessmen and could employ other people with them.