Aiming at developing English language curriculum and pedagogy, the International Relations Office at Erbil Polytechnic University, in collaboration with the Imperial English UK (IEUK), has organized a virtual TESOL training for English language lecturers at the university from 25th January to 4th February 2021. The training highlighted lesson planning and classroom management themes, assessment, teaching grammar and vocabularies, speaking and writing, listening and reading; besides, academic English, language awareness, materials investigation, teaching large classes, and world English. British TESOL experts delivered the training at British academic institutions. Many ideas and experiences have been shared, and the lecturers have been given appropriate time to conduct a self-study and reflect on the subjects of each session. After successfully completing the training and self-study, the lecturers are given British TESOL certificates issued by the IEUK.
The TESOL training is part of the international agreement between EPU and IEUK, a trusted British brand in English language learning and teaching pioneering digital learning in the English language and is accredited by a UK government approval body (regulated by Ofqual). In the current academic year, the EPU has started offering IEUK courses to first-year students in the technical colleges to bring in international quality of English language, enhance students’ skills, improve their communication and prepare them for the job market.