For four days, a delegation of the Erbil polytechnic University represented by The Head of International Office in EPU, the Head of Scientific Departments in the Erbil Technical Engineering College, and the Deputy Dean of Koya Technical Institute (Evening Studying), the Head of Engineering Drawing at Shaqlawa Technical Institute and the Head of Electronics and Communication at Erbil Technology Institute visited four campuses of Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld city in Germany. They warmly welcomed by a delegation of Bielefeld University consisted of Vice President of Scientific Affairs, the Coordinator of Dean of Engineering and Mathematics, Dean of Engineering and Mathematics, the Head of Automation and Controlling Department, Head of Service Engineering and Management Department and the main Coordinator of the projects of both universities.

On the second day of the visit, both representatives conducted a meeting. In this meeting, they agreed upon some key points, which were:
- Exchanging of students and instructors;
- Implementing scientific and joint researches;
- Opening Master degree (Double Degree and Joint Degree);
- To exchange mutual students;
- To exchange program for undergraduate students using mobility programs.

Also, in this meeting, Ramyar Ali Abdalla, EPU bachelor student at the University of Bielefeld has delivered his project of bachelor thesis, which is about “Modeling, Simulation and 2D Animation of Invented Pendulum”, supervised by Prof. Dr. Eng. Christian Stöcker and Moaid Othman, a Research Associate in the Department of Engineering and Mathematics and the coordinator and the Focal point of EPU at Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences. It is worth to be mentioned that this project is successfully gained by the International office of Erbil Polytechnic University.

These meetings were very productive and positive, especially in the process of more collaboration in the mentioned above fields.