On Tuesday 22/1/2019, Erbil polytechnic university (EPU) and erbil chamber of commerce & industry conducted a workshop on employment opportunities.
The workshop was participated by Assistant prof. Dr Kawa sherwani the university’s rector and Dr. Dara Jalil khayat the chairman of the board of Erbil chamber of commerce.

This activity came after a serious of successful joint workshops and training courses targeting EPU students and Erbil youth in general.

On the same day certificates of participation have been awarded to the graduates of the third training course entitled (Develop your business) which is, conducted jointly between EPU and Erbil chamber of commerce.

It is worth it to be mentioning that, the both sides aiming to develop their agreement to the level of conducting international conferences and doing researches. Hoping to help the graduates and serving the field of science in Kurdistan regional.